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FS 25 Updated Scripts
Paint Procedural Placement masks with code
Hello everybody, with the following code we are able grab the farmlands infoLayer and paint on it. local infoLayer = getInfoLayerFromTerrain(terrainNode, "farmlands") if infoLayer == nil or infoLayer == 0 then printError(" Could not find farmlands info layer") return end As I figured out how to use Procedural Placement (PP) on a 16x map without crashing the GE, I wonder if it is possible to also paint fields (or anything else) to the PP masks with code. I wasn't able to find anything to it but maybe here are some smart folks. Thanks in advance Knowen -
Bonjour, Et quand un mod possede un FillTypeConverter.lua (mod: FeedMixers FS19), ou mettre le script ? Le LUA dans le dossier script de la map, mais dans le modesc? Merci -
FS25 Spline Modifier Script
Die Scripte aus Älteren FS Versionen funktionieren ja im FS25 Darum sind die da drin wo die FS25 Scripte sind Weil es die Nicht für FS25 gibt -
FS25 Spline Modifier Script
Sorry I am a bit confused here as the script name in the lua file is FS25 Spline Modifier and displays as such in GE and the script editor -- Author:W_R -- Name:FS25 Spline Modifier -- Namespace: local -- Description: -- Icon: -- Hide: no -- AlwaysLoaded: no Also I would have thought it sensible to have the older versions in one folder and the FS25 versions in another instead of mixing the two together.