28 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Does anyone know why I am not seeing all of my terrain map LODs in the Giants Editor? It looks fine on a 2k map, but as soon as I try to make a 4k map it looks like this, I have tried several community blank 4k maps and its the same thing. I checked my map.xml and they are set for 4096 map resolution, and I have ran the editor scrip to change it to up to 8k usage. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello, do you have someone who knows how to use procedural placement? The only function I know is the one for placing trees and textures for roads. I have no idea how it works.
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I have problem with SplinePlacement.lua scripts. I trying set road aligned by terrain, but i get next error: UA call stack: =[C]:-1 getTerrainHeightAtWorldPos =C:/Users/aceri/AppData/Local/GIANTS Editor 64bit 10.0.3/scripts/spline placement execute.lua:156 Error: C:/Users/aceri/AppData/Local/GIANTS Editor 64bit 10.0.3/scripts/spline placement execute.lua:181: attempt to perform arithmetic (sub) on nil and number Placement scripts works great if i set alignbyterrain to false, but it's too large work align manual. Looks like script not find terrain. How i enter terrain to manually in the scripts? I trying somenthing like this: local terrai…
Last reply by aceri, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello, I have this purple layer over (almost) the whole map, didn't have it before and I don't know where it comes from. I have imported a few things from another map but deleted those things again. I don't know if there is a connection, but when I try to use the "Fence Power Placement 25" is doesn't generate anything, also no error messages in the console windows. See image. I tried putting the spline in the green part of the map, without success.
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello! is it possible to repeat an object on a spline? Like a piece of railroad (see image) I would like it to repeat itself from beginning to end, so I have a nice railroad. Can I use this same method for roads?
Last reply by deadlydu, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello, I want to combine the fields numbered 45 and 46 on the zielonka map in FS25 and this field number will only be 45, 46 will not appear, it will appear as a single field, for example, there is no 45 number 46, we deleted it and combined it with 45, can you help me how can I do this?
Last reply by omeraraz22, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Anyone know why when using spline placement to place some trees almost 40% of the trees are not there? like, thay are listed in the placed objects, with lods and everything but thay are not on the map. and how to fix it? thanks
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 0 replies
Hi, anyone familiar with creating foliage. i'm trying to add the fruitGrowthFoliageShader with BILLBOARD variation but when doing so the mesh goes invisible i've added an alpha to it and still nothing.
Last reply by icolinmeiklem, -
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- 4 replies
Import Placeables This script is for those people who want to modify/edit existing maps and want to load all the placeables in taht map in one hit. However any modification/deleting of any of the loaded placeables will still require manual changes to the placeables.xml. The script will import all the placeables listed in the placeables.xml into the map at the location set in the xml and with any User Attributes that are assigned to each placeable. Script will only import placeables from i3ds so any placeables.xml script that does not have an i3dPath in its base.filename will not be loaded and an error message with the problem xml's filePath will be printed …
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello, I'm trying to figure out if I can adjust rows and columns with different values through xml. I'm particularly working on maize crop for a custom map. I tried manipulating values inside maize.xml from the main game folder but as soon as I change the values in numBlocksPerUnit it changes the spacing between crops equally. I want wider columns and denser rows as per the actual farm. I also tried inserting a separate script for rowSpacing and columnSpacing but it would not reflect in the game. After lot of research on maize/corn crop and how it is planted in the real world, I feel the farming simulator is planting in the wrong way with equal spacing. I also tried…
Last reply by bdbssb, -
- 3 replies
Any ideas what would be the best coarse of play to join these up? tried so many youtube searches and can't find anything. tried bridging but it just didn't work out to a acceptable method.
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, I am working on modding in my family farm and so far have the terrain and border in. Is there a way to overlay an image such as the one linked below, into giants editor so that I can more or less trace the roads into the map? Thanks for your help.
Last reply by deboy130, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello! Please tell me why there is no complete coverage of stones on the map? Standard size card 2x. I checked the densityMap_stones file, the resolution is correct 4096x4096px.
Last reply by Steem, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi, just wondering if there’s any way to reverse a spline after using spline offset script as i need 2 directional traffic, thanks, marvvv
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hey guys, I have a long, winding spline I'm trying to paint and I'm using a short spline overlaid to test settings. Both have identical settings in the TP ua but the results are quite different as the short spline paints wider than the longer. Is there something I'm missing? Also, @WrinkleysRule, I have an idea I'd like to bounce off of you, is pm here the best way to contact you?
Last reply by Zxodiacx, -
- 1 reply
Hi. When i want to use Terrain Height or Terrain Paint with a selected spline, here is my error in th GE console: Error: C:/Users/sebba/AppData/Local/GIANTS Editor 64bit 8.2.2/scripts//Updated Spline Scripts_18.12.2022/terrainHeight.lua:28: attempt to call global 'getNumUserAttribute' (a nil value) Can anyone help me ? thanks
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 1 reply
I'm trying to make to makes roads for my map and struggling with figuring it out using blender. I've got the CSV in Blender and trying to follow the steps provided int the tutorial. I can't find in my blender where the loop tool is to get moving. Anybody willing to help me out?
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi guys, I've got a problem when i create navMesh for sheeps. After i create planes, i make the navMesh but it doesn't appear in blue. i can't see it ! Can you help me ! Thanks.
Last reply by, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I would like to know if there is a spline script available to easily place wire fences for an fs19 map (giants editor 8.2.2)
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Anyone any tips on how to make the snowmesh on a roof actually work? I have watched and followed Red Phoenix's video countless times, done what appears to be what he's showing (not helped that he's using different blender set up and addons and whizzes through it), and no matter what I do, the snow mesh just doesn't appear in game. If I use EDC to add snow, other buildings on the map clearly get their snowy roofs, just not mine. What could I be doing wrong? Is there something needed in the xml to get this to work?
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
This script can be used to easily place fences/power lines on a map using a spline. It consists of a basic spline placement script and a modified easyFence script (by modelleicher) combined with some extra enhancements. The script works by first placing posts/poles aligned to the terrain along a spline, it then places fence boards/wires on these posts/poles scaling them to match the distance to the next post/pole. To install download the script (available at the end of this tutorial) unzip the and Copy/Paste the script into C:\Users\Your Computer Name\AppData\Local\GIANTS Editor 64bit 9.0.4\scripts. Once installed, …
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 4 replies
Greetings Plane are used in FS22 animal feeders and drinkers. But they are not suitable for my models of feeders, they stick out on semicircular ones (I learned from one mapper that there is a script or an xml line that sets a changeable Scale when filling). And what it is and where to find it, I have no idea and I can't clarify it again from him. Although it would be more interesting to fill the feeders without lifting planes and leave planes only for drinkers.
Last reply by Sanya, -
- 2 replies
I'm sorry for the language barrier but I read the instructions but couldn't find anything to help. I'm trying to create highways at 9.5m and side streets at 6.5m. Is it possible to make a 4-way intersection like this so the roads flow smoothly together?
Last reply by Cyber_Farmer, -
- 1 reply
Hello I've seen some polish mappers paint real satellite image on their map and use it for painting fields, roads, and other stuff. I wonder if it's possible to do on fs 22
Last reply by WrinkleysRule, -
- 3 replies
1st Thanks for the work on the Spline Tools! especially the CSV tools. Sadly the Terrain Height script takes around 30 min to complete it's pass when I try to run it on the length of spline that I want to use to set up my basic roadway grid on an 8Km map. I have tried giving it just the basic set height and still takes around 30min. I am sure it's probably something with my layout or placement of the spline on the terrain wireframe, but I can't seem to figure out why it's taking as long as it does. Anyway I have found a work around for my situation, That's not really what I am here for, just passing along that information. What I really was wondering is if there is …
Last reply by WrinkleysRule,