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Update Version Fixed AI back node per MP7REEPER

Jumbo Windrower Video

Update Version Worked on work areas to try and eliminate the left-over material issues.

Update Version Fixed covers Credit to Deaf Gamer for letting me know of the issue.

Update Version Fixed more lights again

Update Version Fixed more lights, added a couple parts to arms.

Update Version Thanks for finding the issue SPUDS.  Sorry fixed mass issues, will pull normal when loaded, will not try to break your tractor.

Update Version Added visual hoses

Update Version

Big update: added a Stone Picker version found in the stone picker category in shop

Fixed 1 million fill unit capacity.

Still having issues with giants linked lights, "hope" this is fixed.

Update Version

Sorry for all the updates.  Realized I missed a giants lighting issue, I was also able to get hired worker to work,  not noted in last update the pickup can be lowered/raised regardless of folding state.

Update Version

Huge thank you to everyone who has helped find some issues.  Please feel free to give feedback so I can get issues fixed.

Alpaca78Billy informed me that wheels247 was having issues with pickup and color was reverting back to default color from distance.  Color is now fixed.  I could not replicate the pickup issue however I did adjust max pickup to possibly address this issue.

Barry J informed me Bundy found that I forgot to add multiplayer support, this was fixed in update.

Forage wagon with windrowing arms.
Cost 125000
Option to remove collision of arms.
50K - Free
100K – 2000
500K – 10000
1M – 50000
Discharge options free (when matched up correctly the unit will empty in around 10 seconds)
100K LPS



What's New in Version


Fixed AI back node per MP7REEPER

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User Feedback

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Love it so far for the stone picker. Is there a way to change it so that the fill volume doesn't affect the weight? I had tried updateMass="false" from the previous games but it doesn't work now 😞 


Edit: Got it working with the updateMass="false" addition, took a few attempts. Two bottles of wine doesn't help 🙃 Love the mod, so thankful things are starting to come through for 25, your mods are always my first to go to!

Response from the author:

Odd thought I had the false in there sorry. Guess I’ll do another update 🤣  Ok updated, sorry wrong code,  not sure where I came up with previous code.  Huge thank you for catching this.

Red Steel

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Love this mod thanks you for your hard work

Response from the author:

Thank you and you’re welcome. 


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

hi and hello im new here and i would just like to say that sometimes when you are looking for a mod thats a bit diffrent you do come across them and i ended up hear and i must admit both of these FS25 Jumbo 8450 WR BD meaning windrower and stone picker are awsome ,i have always used the jumbo windrowers for years but as i say these are just diffrent in m opinion,,,,and did some body  mention (Barry J) ,,,,,,,,well he is a very good friend of mine and we go back many many years even before he was streaming and we used to game together quite a bit,, he is a awsome  bloke ,, 

Response from the author:

Thank you and here is Barrys twitch




I like the collecting effect. Good job BdBssB. Thanks. 

Response from the author:

Thank you for the support as always. 

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