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FS22 Magnon Stone Picker

   (3 reviews)

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About This File

Magnon Stone Picker BD



Per request by Truzedo I have made some changes to this mod.  I usually don’t add huge capacity options, but I have had several requests and have seen many streamers with edited versions.  So here you go.  Major update I suggest selling your old one before adding this version.  It should convert over, but you may lose material or get some initial warnings.  There are 4 capacity and unload speed options, each option has to be selected independently in the store.  I also added decal color selection and the ability to change material and color on the base and design parts.  Materials are steel, chrome, stainless, brushed steel, plastic.

Base Cost 132500


50K - Free

100K – 2000

500K – 10000

1M – 70000

Discharge options free (when matched up correctly the unit will empty in around 10 seconds)




100K - LPS


Update Updated some modDescription to see if it helps with some server issues.

Update Lowered ground ref to help issues with pickup.


This is the popular Magnon loading wagon with the windrowers converted into a stone picker.


50k/100k/250k capacity option

Rim color, base and secondary/decal color option.

Work speed of 15mph


Huge thanks to grabbylatoosh and dogface for the testing and suggestions.



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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Excellent way to remove those troublesome stones. I like that you can change the colors to the standard palette. The AI works well and the effects look good. I like the dog logo on the side. 

Response from the author:

Thank you. It was quite the progress and thank you for the help, along with listening to my problems haha. 

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I really really like this, especially on huge fields that take forever with a regular 6m picker,

now my girlfriend insists that she be the master stone picker when we play.:classic_rolleyes:

Response from the author:

Haha that’s cool. Ty for the input. 

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Really good MOD! Not got to use it yet, need to wait for spring 😁  will keep everyone up to date on how I get on. My setup is about 10 - 12m (30 - 36 feet) so this is a bit big but we will see...

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