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  3. The scripts only set up the field/farmland areas and have nothing to do with the actual crop planting/harvesting and as everything works when harvesting and getting chopped straw out the rear of the combine the problem with switching to swathe is more likely to be with the combine. Without knowing which combine you are using its difficult to pinpoint any problems.
  4. Last week
  5. Hello I am trying these scripts for the first time, everything seem to be fine and all working ok. When I go into the game there are no errors, so I tried to harvest the barley in my field it cut ok and I can get chopped straw out of the back of the harvester, but when setting the harvester to enable swath I get nothing. Any ideas what could be causing this.
  6. Even quicker method, Using your original image as a background Two Edges selected Ctrl 'E' to bring up the Edge Menu Select - 'Bridge Edge Loops' Adjust Number Of Cuts to suit -in this case 11 Example in image below
  7. Another method which may seem long winded at first is to select the tjunction edge and the incomeing road edge in edit mode 'edge select' subdivide once. Change to vertex select select the two new vertices and press 'F' on the keyboard, this will create a edge between thew two points. select this edge and subdivide three or four times. 'Following excert from the Export a Spline from Giants Editor into Blender to Create Roads/Railways (Updated)' Change to Object Mode, with the edge selected –Select , Object—Convert—Curve , this converts the mesh to a curve ready for use with the Curve Tools. Select the Curve Icon in the Scene panel (green semi circle) to open the Curve Tools Panel With the curve still selected change to Edit Mode The new curve first needs to be aligned along the correct axis for the road, to do this you can either select Control Points—Tilt and type 90 or simply (Ctrl ) -- T -- 90 In the Shape panel of the Curve Tools, select 3D, Fill Mode 'Half', Curve Deform 'Radius Selected', all other settings can be left as is. Open the Geometry and Bevel Tabs Geometry Tab Extrude ‘ 3 ‘ ---this equates to a road bed width of 6 metres , half the desired width or your roadbed width Offset ‘ 0 ‘ ---value can be left at 0 as this just raises or lowers the mesh by +-1m Bevel Tab Select -- Profile Depth ‘ 2 ’ -- this figure is the width of the road edges in metres, in this case 2 for 2m Resoloution – ‘ 0 ’ --This figure sets the number of subdivisions in the edge mesh should you wish to create your own custom or preset profile. You should now have a road mesh between the tJUnction and the incoming road that can be adjusted to suit your needs obviously further subdivision of sections of the roadbed may have to be done to create smoother curves. example in image.
  8. Would help if the junction was the same size as the road but I would change the angle slightlyof the junction and just join the roads with another mesh
  9. Any ideas what would be the best coarse of play to join these up? tried so many youtube searches and can't find anything. tried bridging but it just didn't work out to a acceptable method.
  10. Earlier
  11. Hello, I'm currently working on a farming vehicle mod in FS22. The mod is designed by KMN Modding, ooTheMan. It is a r4045 sprayer mod that has a John Deere tractor's command arm which is different from the actual r4045 command arm. I found a similar looking command arm in other default john deere vehicles. for eg. JD Harvester has a pretty close cab interior to sprayer's interior. I opened i3D files for both the vehicles and under scenegraph and checked which transform points directly to the cab of the respective machine. I tried interchanging the cabs by placing the files where they should be under the exact folder. I could see the changes I made to the mod but it won't function correctly in game. . Also when I take the file to blender and make changes to interior of the vehicle cab, the mod won't open in game or completely crash the game. I'm assuming some part of the interior is stitched to the xml or lua code as in if I make changes to mod and when it works in the game it won't let me access indoor camera view while I'm riding the vehicle. WHAT IS THE CORRECT WAY TO TREAT A MOD AND MAKE CHANGES TO IT? PLEASE HELP. 🙂
  12. Thanks @WrinkleysRule it helped!! I might come back to this forum for more doubts. There is so much to learn in Giants Editor.
  13. Check the zip folder as you may have an extra folder, also you do not need to zip a file/mod unless you are going to use it in multiplayer so a quick test to see if your problem is the zip or the edited map folder would be to place the edited folder directly into the mods folder and see if the map appears in the map options.
  14. I tried opening a new mod from game, made edits and changes to the default map. Converted back to .zip format and added to mods folder. My map won't show at all. The same thing I do for other maps they'll quickly show up in the map options menu in game. Please help or I'll break my PC 😕
  15. The log file you sent me shows a problem with the Sterneldioten i3d exporter you are using. I have sent you a pm with a way of setting up the exporter to work correctly and also a link for you to update the version (i3dio.exporter:export_blend_to_i3d:INFO: I3D Exporter version is: 0.0.0) you are currently trying to use. Link added in case others need to update their versions. https://github.com/StjerneIdioten/I3D-Blender-Addon/releases
  16. Yes I did but it keeps giving me an error. I sent the error log to you in messages
  17. Did you make sure Border_1 selected and in Object mode export it.
  18. I seem to be having some issues with blender I followed the tutorial and exported it as an I3d but when I try to import it to GE it doesn't actually import anything and I'm unsure why. I have attached the file Border_1.i3d
  19. Normally happens if the items transform point is in the middle and not at the beginning but can also occur if spline transform is not zero on rotation which could be the case as the hedge appears to be following the splines rotation
  20. I've just started a new map, and am doing things I haven't done in a long while. I'm using the scripted object placement and as you can see, my hedge is beautifully aligned on the right of the image, but as it starts going towards the top left it no longer aligns the hedge correctly and it gets even further out as it turns the final corner. I seem to recall having this before, but can't remember what I did to fix it. Any ideas? (Hedge is correctly aligned and had freeze transforms on all parts of it)
  21. Hey, Thanks for detailed reply, might have a crack at blender then, cheers.
  22. Short answer is no, the CSV script basically allows the user to create a 2d spline (using INSERT and CRTL B foe example following a road layout on a GE png overlay) it then samples the terrain height at a user set distance along the 2d spline and creates a 3d spline for use with the terrain height scripts. So the method you are using would still have to be done to create the spline with increased number of spline nodes on the curves to get a smoother terrain once the terrain height script has been used. A script could be created that uses the road section transform group (i.e A_Road_50m) as a csv point but the problem would arise when a curve is encountered as the there is only one point (TG) which would when the terrain script is activated produce a straight line. Personally I prefer to use the Blender method ( see the Export a Spline from Giants Editor into Blender to Create Roads/Railways (updated) tutorial ) for creating roads as it is far more flexible, you can of course still use the prefab textures for the road or create your own.
  23. Hi, Firstly, thanks for all your fantastic work, making life easier. I've been laying road segments using the road prefab pack inside GE, as you know it has lots of options length, slopes curves etc and was wondering if i lay down a road with many rises and falls, curves etc, is it then possible to modify CSV creator to lay the spline over the road instead of the terrain so that when i run terrain height script it conforms to the road? I can place spline nodes manually with INSERT and CTRL B but it is a slow old process. Anyway, hope this makes sense. thanks again
  24. This is sometimes caused by GE not recognising the attributes set by the script In GE select the fields TG and in the User attributes delete and then re enter the FieldUtil.onCreate entry. This problem has been addressed in the tutorial fieldsNew -- containing a fields transform although this will have the FieldUtil.onCreate attribute set by the script I suggest deleting the attributes and reassigning them by Add New Attribute --Type --scriptcallback -- onCreate -- Add and in the new onCreate box enter FieldUtil.onCreate as sometimes GE doesn't recognise some script set User Attributes. Also make sure that there is only one Field.Utils.onCreate in the map that you are using in game I have now updated the tutorial to make this a bit clearer fieldsNew -- containing a fields transform although this will have the FieldUtil.onCreate attribute set by the script I suggest if copy/pasting the fields TG from the fieldsNew TG to the gameplay folder, delete the attributes and reassign them by Add New Attribute --Type --scriptcallback -- onCreate -- Add and in the new onCreate box enter FieldUtil.onCreate as some times GE doesn't recognise some script set User Attributes consequently field no's may not appear in game.
  25. The transform group is correct... These attributes were created by the script Changed this setting, but made no difference...
  26. Another soloution could be to open the gameSettings.xml (\My Games\FarmingSimulator2022) and look for <ingameMapFilters>0</ingameMapFilters> and set the number back to 0. This problem was caused by a version of Courseplay so maybe your base map has a corrupt gameSettings.xml
  27. Field numbers are taken from the i3d and positions are taken from the fieldMapIndicator so make sure your fields transform group is correct and the nameIndicatorIndex is set to 1 Hierarchy:- fields | field01, | fieldDimension (index0), | fieldMapIndicator (nameIndicatorIndex(1), Farmlands however are taken from the farmland(s).xml and show up in the map overlay when you select the farmland box at the bottom The numbers may not match depending on farmland size/position
  28. Thanks for the update, all is working now, but the field numbers are not showing in game...
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