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Update Version Worked on work areas to try and eliminate the left-over material issues. Update Version Fixed covers Credit to Deaf Gamer for letting me know of the issue. Update Version Fixed more lights again Update Version Fixed more lights, added a couple parts to arms. Update Version Thanks for finding the issue SPUDS. Sorry fixed mass issues, will pull normal when loaded, will not try to break your tractor. Update Version Added visual hoses Update Version Big update: added a Stone Picker version found in the stone picker category in shop Fixed 1 million fill unit capacity. Still having issues with giants linked lights, "hope" this is fixed. Update Version Sorry for all the updates. Realized I missed a giants lighting issue, I was also able to get hired worker to work, not noted in last update the pickup can be lowered/raised regardless of folding state. Update Version Huge thank you to everyone who has helped find some issues. Please feel free to give feedback so I can get issues fixed. Alpaca78Billy informed me that wheels247 was having issues with pickup and color was reverting back to default color from distance. Color is now fixed. I could not replicate the pickup issue however I did adjust max pickup to possibly address this issue. Barry J informed me Bundy found that I forgot to add multiplayer support, this was fixed in update. JUMBO 8450 DB WR Forage wagon with windrowing arms. Cost 125000 Option to remove collision of arms. Capacity 50K - Free 100K – 2000 500K – 10000 1M – 50000 Discharge options free (when matched up correctly the unit will empty in around 10 seconds) 5K LPS 10K LPS 50K LPS 100K LPS3 points -
Update Version Thank you BigDaddy for letting me know about the texture errors. Fixed \Windrowing Balers Windrowers added to: John Deere C441R (round wrapper) & Kuhn 1290 (square) Wrapper version has been adjusted to allow continuous baling. Tractor will be slowed down to allow time for wrapping and bale drop to occur. Wrapping has been drastically sped up. Cost 80000 Option to remove collision of arms. 2 Design color Rim color Hub color Silage additive standard Doubled consumables capacity2 points -
2 points
I have now updated the following scripts for FS25 (zip file containing all scripts listed available at the bottom of this post) To avoid confusion all future Updates to any of the scripts will require the complete FS 25 Script Versions.zip to be downloaded Fence Power Placement --Updated 07/01/2025 Stay Upright Option removed fence/poles now automatically placed upright --13/12/2024 - Script adjustments Paint Foliage by Spline Panel Spline CSV Creator Panel Spline Height Panel Spline Paint Panel --- Updated 20/01/2025 Random value problem fixed and UI Changes -- see note in Spline Paint Panel below Spline Placement Panel Combined --Updated 02/01/2025 Interim fix to first object placement problem --15/12/2024 Rotation/Placement problem fixed (hopefully) Fence Power Placement Fence Power Placement Script just updated refer to tutorial for operation Tutorial https://farmerboysmodding.com/index.php?/topic/2452-fence-power-placement-script/ Spline CSV Creator Panel Script operation is still the same output has changed slightly it now creates an .obj file in the CSVdata folder for direct import into Blender without the need for any CSV conversion. Paint Foliage by Spline Panel Operation of the script is still the same but the Panel Layout has changed. Note: Random Foliage Paint will paint all states of a selected foliage. Variable Foliage state When selected along with Random Foliage Paint option allows only the states entered in Set Foliage State and Set Second Foliage State to be painted. Random Foliage Distance seed can be adjusted by changing the Set Distance Between Foliage value Spline Height Panel Script just updated refer to tutorial for operation Spline Paint Panel Script just updated refer to tutorial for operation For further information on the above scripts refer to the tutorial https://farmerboysmodding.com/index.php?/topic/2439-new-spline-paint-height-csv-field-creationdimension-panel-scripts/ Note: Random Width (Max) this is the max distance the texture will be painted either side of the spline (0 to Random Width (Max)) Random Distance (Max) this value is used by the RND function for the random distance the texture will be painted along the spline (0 to Random Distance (Max)) In both cases texture will be painted randomly at a distance between 0 and Random value entered at each point along the spline Random distance bewteen textures can also be adjusted using the Set Texture Distance Value Spline Placement Panel Combined Script update with some Panel Layout changes and addition Unfortunately the Use Distance Table values still have to be entered in the User Attributes panel. (now in seperate tab in the Attributes Panel) I hope to combine them into the main panel at a later date. Addition Fixed Distance -- is the distance away from the spline (both + and -) you want the placement to start (Look at it like a duplicate spline at the Fixed Distance value) Changes Select Random Spline Order – now uses the number of objects in the objectsTo Place TG as a random seed If only one item in the objectsToPlace TG then I suggest adding a empty TG to the objectsToPlace TG before selecting Select Random Placement -- is the max distance around the spline (inc any Fixed Distance values) Select Random Distance -- uses the Object Distance as seed to generate the random distance If Use Distance Table Selected then Select Random Spline Order and Select Random Distance is disabled. See the tutorial for further information. https://farmerboysmodding.com/index.php?/topic/2469-spline-placement-combined-panel/ There seems to be some confusion on where these scripts should be placed they should be placed here C:/Users/*****/AppData/Local\GIANTS Editor 64bit 10.0.3/scripts -- replace ***** with your computers user name not in the C:/Program Files/GIANTS Sosftware/GIANTS_Editor_10.0.3 folder as the scripts in this folder will be overwritten/updated when a new version is available. To avoid confusion all future Updates to any of the scripts will require the complete FS 25 Script Versions.zip to be downloaded and unzipped replacing any existing scripts in the GE scripts folder. FS25 Script Versions.zip1 point
Updated Spline Paint Panel script -- 20/01/2025 Random value problem fixed and UI Changes1 point
DEM Creation using QGIS Tutorial For this tutorial you will need the following programmes and items Google Earth Pro --- https://www.google.com/earth/about/versions/#earth-pro QGIS --- https://qgis.org/download/ Overlay.zip --- Attached at the end of this tutorial Download Google Earth Pro and QGIS (may take a while as QGIS is approx 1.2Gb) Unzip the Overlay.zip and place the Overlay folder into you map root folder Create Farm Marker This section details how to create a marker that outlines your proposed farm area for use in QGIS and is basically the same as first part of the previous tutorial, DEMs and Borders the Easy Way. Once both programmes are installed open Google Earth Pro – Select the Temporary Places icon and right click any where in the Places panel, Select- Add –Folder name this folder with your map name (this is to keep all your files in one folder). You may need to drag drop any newly created files into this folder. Ensure the Terrain Icon in the Layers panel is deselected Navigate to your proposed farm location Create a vertical and horizontal 2.1km line using the ruler tool centred roughly at the middle of your proposed area Select the Add image Overlay icon in the Toolbar (green markers will appear) and browse to the Overlay folder location and Select Area.png, rename to 2k Area don’t close the Image Overlay pop up at this time. You will see a red square with green markers, adjust the edge markers (T shape) to fit the horizontal and vertical lines previously made this will give you a 2.1k square which you can move over the location to finalise the area by means of the centre cross or rotate using the diamond (if you move any of the corner markers you will distort the square and have to reset the edges). Once you are happy with the position click OK. If you wish to move it again right click on the 2k Marker in the Places panel and select Properties this will bring the adjustment markers back. At this point mark and name the area using the Add Placement tool as when adding the Lidar Data/SRTM Google Earth zooms right out so the Markers may not be visible for you to centre the cursor on to scale the relevant Geo.tif Should you wish to create a border around your 2k area then, using the ruler tool create 1k lines away from the edge of the 2k area. 1k chosen for performance reasons but if you want a bigger border just increase the distance. Select the Add image Overlay icon in the Toolbar and browse to the Area.png location and select it, rename to 4k Border and repeat the alignment detailed above. In the Places Panel right click the 2k Area icon and Save Place As .kml (in a suitably named folder) do the same for the 4k Border Area if needed. Obviously if creating a larger map change the markers to an appropriate value. The Line Measures can now be deselected leaving just the two markers Finally save the My Places -- File – Save – Save My Places Creating the DEM Different Countries will have different methods of downloading data so check the relevant Sites methods. For this tutorial I will be using UK Lidar Data available from -https://environment.data.gov.uk/survey Open in browser zoom in to your location Select Draw polygon, Draw polygon round the farm area (right click move to next point until your shape is complete double click to finish) Select - Get Available Tiles Select Product --LIDAR Composite DTM --- This produces a ‘terrain only image’, DSM will produce all buildings trees etc image. Select Year -- Latest year currently 2022 Select Resolution – 1m - higher 2m resolution will have smaller file size 1m resolution files will have a file size of approx 80kb per tile. Select - Download All and save to a suitable folder (the one you saved the 2k/4k Area .kml’s) Create another folder in that folder and name it Your Farm Name Tifs Unzip the downloaded files and copy paste the DTM_1m.tif images into this folder. QGIS I will be using QGIS 3.40.0 throughout this section later versions may become available so version numbers may change. All the programmes required for QGIS should in a folder on your desktop after installing QGIS 3.40.0 In the folder QGIS 3.40.0 select QGIS Desktop 3.40.0 In the Browser panel check to see if you have a Google Earth overlay in the XYZ Tiles icon ( this overlay will only be used as a reference). If you do not have the Google Earth Satellite overlay then right click the XYZ Tiles icon and select In the Pop up panel enter a suitable name (eg Google Satellite) and in the URL panel copy paste the following http://www.google.cn/maps/vt?lyrs=s@189&gl=cn&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} the rest of the settings can be left as is and click OK. Should you prefer or want to add others then do the same as above here are some Open Street Map https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y} Bing Maps http://ecn.t3.tiles.virtualearth.net/tiles/a{q}.jpeg?g=1 Google Satellite Hybrid https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=y&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} Other map tiles can be found here, bear in mind some may require an API key. https://www.geohowtos.com/howtos/xyz-tiles/xyz-tiles-qgis In QGIS double click on the Map Tile you want to use, it will open with a complete map of the world, don’t bother zooming in yet. Input Lidar/SRTM Data The following method is the same for both Lidar and SRTM data in this instance I am using Lidar data Drag and drop the Lidar tif image(s) (if more than one select all) into the QGIS main screen they/it will open in the Layers Panel, if more than one then they will be listed separately in the Layers Panel. If you get a Select Transformation pop up as shown below when adding data Select -- Cancel this will keep the original CRS of the data otherwise distortion of the data will occur. Right click on any of the layers and Select- Zoom to Layer, this will zoom to the layer image with the Map Tile reference layer underneath. If only one Layer (Lidar tif image) skip the next section Multiple Layers If more than one layer Select --Raster -- Miscellaneous --Build Virtual Raster At the end of the Input Layers box select the 3 dots icon this will bring up another pop up with a list of all the layers in your Layers panel Select the Lidar tif image(s) then Run A new Layer will appear named Virtual with all the selected Layers merged into one image with the correct brightness/contrast If you want to save this Virtual file for future reference, in the Layers Panel right click on the Virtual entry and Select - Export -- Save As In the 'Save Raster Layer as' pop up Select –Output Mode -RawData Select the three dots at the end of the filename box to open a file browser navigate to where you want to save the file add file name then Select Save and in the Save Raster Layer pop up select OK. Clip the image tif to the 2k (4k) size If necessary right click the new Virtual (or Single) Layer and select Move to Top this will place the image above the Map Tile layer Or middle mouse button select and drag to the top of the Layers panel. Drag the 2k Area.kml saved earlier into QGIS and in the pop up Select Add Layers depending on the .kml/kmz used there may be two Layers one will have the marker colour the other will be the marker shape file it is the shape file that is required for the next step, if both shown in the Layers Panel deselect the one with the three colour bands. Select – Raster – Extraction –Clip Raster by Extent In the pop up panel Input Layer - in the drop down Select the Virtual (single) Layer Clipping Extent --- Select the arrow on the far right, in the dropdown –Calculate from Layer and select the 2K Area shape file Clipped Extent--- Select the Arrow far right and Save to File, browse to where you want to save this file, name the file and Save as Type *.tif All other settings can be left as is Select-- Run The clipped image will not be aligned to your marker but be slightly rotated this is because the marker has a different CRS to the Virtual Layer. This seems to only affect data in the EPSG:27700 - OSGB36/ British National Grid format. If someone a bit more QGIS savy can show how to correct this I would appreciate it. I have tried re-projecting all Layers to both the British National grid and the default Google earth EPSG:3857 but without success and as stated previously converting from EPSG:2700 to EPSG:3857 creates artefacts in the image. Right click the new 2k clipped layer and Select – Export – Save As --in the Save Raster Layer as.. popup Select Output mode – Raw Data File Name – Select three dots icon and navigate to where you want to save the file – name and save Extent(Current:Layer) –Calculate from – in the Layer drop down Select the 2k clipped layer Select -- OK This .tif image will be required if creating overlays, Google Earth/and ones used for positioning (Grass/Asphalt etc). Clip Raster by Extent ref image You can check the new rotation alignment of the clipped area by reducing the Opacity of the layer by right clicking the layer and Select- Properties - Transparency and adjust the transparency slider to suit (transparency will not occur until after OK is selected) and Select OK. You will have to reset the opacity back to 100% before continuing. Create the 2048 x 2048 16 bit Greyscale Dem With the new 2k clipped layer selected, Select – Raster—Conversion – Translate (Convert Format) Input Layer – Clipped 2k Area Assign a specified No Data Value to output bands (optional) -- setting done by Additional command line parameter i.e. ‘-a_nodata None ‘ Additional command Line Parameters -a_nodata None - This will set any blank/transparent data to black -scale Min Max 0 65535 (Min, Max Lowest ,Highest value in the virtual Layer, 0 65535 means the whole greyscale range between 0 and 65535 will be used to represent the height values) -outsize 2048 2048 -- this is the output image size e.g -a_nodata None -scale 0 264 0 65535 -outsize 2048 2048 – do not forget the – at the beginning of each command else you will get Error messages Output Data Type – Select UInt16 in the dropdown Converted – Select icon on the far right and in the dropdown –Save to File Browse to where you want to save the file, Name and Save as Type PNG files (*png) This file can then be copy/pasted into your map data folder and renamed as dem.png without any further modification. Resultant Dem images and Giants Editor images for both the DTM and DSM data The Grid lines in the images appear to be being caused by Giants Editor 10.0.3 (don’t show with same image in GE 9.0.6) Whilst there is more detail in the DSM version it also means more smoothing/flattening of the terrain when placing items Creating the Overlay.(Google Earth and an Image editor required) This is just for the Google Earth overlay as in the new Giants Editor it is possible to overlay the image on to the terrain using the terrain decal setting in the Shapes Tab. This method is for the EPSG:27700 - OSGB36/ British National Grid Lidar data -SRTM data may not require any adjustment so skip to Saving Image Ensure Terrain is deselected in the Layers Panel Drag drop the previously saved 2k clipped .tif into Google Earth Select the 2k Area in the Places Panel and right click copy/paste it into the same folder rename to 2k Overlay. Right click the 2k Overlay and Select - Properties and adjust the rotation/alignment to match the 2k clipped.tif (I find it easier to do the rotation adjustment via the Location settings in the Google Earth –Edit Image Overlay panel which allows for finer rotation movements) Once aligned Select- OK in the Edit Image Overlay pop up. Marker Rotated and aligned to the 2k clipped.tif Saving Image. Select the Save Image Icon and zoom in to the 2k area so the marker top/bottom close to map image edges. Deselect the 2k clipped icon in the Places Panel, if your marker has any rotation you can either adjust it in Google Earth or later in the Image Editor. (I tend to align the top marker line with the border edge) Select - Map Options and deselect all options. Select – Resolution Maximum and Save image in the pop up name and save in a suitable location – this will be basis for the Google Earth Satellite Overlay image. Marker aligned to edge of Google Earth border Image Editor Any Image Editor will suffice I will be using Photoshop (crimbo present) otherwise I would still be using my free legacy version of Photoshop CS2 which does almost everything needed for Giants Editor/Farming Simulator creations with just a couple of free plugins. https://www.techspot.com/downloads/3689-adobe-photoshop-cs2.html Drag/drop the Google Earth image into the image Editor Duplicate the Google Earth image and move to the top of the Layer list, the original Background Image can now be deleted. Cropping the image for the overlay, there are two ways of doing this The easiest is by using the cropping tool and adjust it so it is just inside the marker edges then crop and resize the image to the largest Height/Width value. The second is by creating an overlay that fits inside the marker and using this to crop the image, for this you will need to have the rulers set to pixels. Zoom in to the left hand marker edge and note the pixel vale about 20 pixels from the edge of the marker do the same for the left hand marker edge subtract the lowest from the highest and create a new image of this size and fill with colour (any), copy/paste into the Google Earth image and adjust to be inside the marker edges, when satisfied select the new image with the Magic Wand tool and select Image - Crop. Save the cropped Google Earth Layer as GE_ Overlay.png and place it in the Overlay folder (replacing original), keep the cropped size as this is just used as a guide, you will get size errors in the log but these can be ignored. Once the Ge_Overlay.png image and dem.png are placed in their relevant folders open Giants Editor and import the overlay.i3d into the Scenegraph adjust the height of the overlay to match the terrain height, the following image shows the result (dem is the DTM version) Note: The image is aligned to all the terrains 'lumps/bumps' roads/cliffs etc Should you wish to create additional overlays/markers using dirt/grass asphalt weight textures or border meshes then please refer to the Overlays section in the DEMs and Borders the Easy Way tutorial Overlay.zip1 point
Check the originators Github https://github.com/ZenJakey/fs25-scripts/tree/main1 point
Thank you very, very much for your time and effort, its just what we were looking for, it is brilliant now we have a great grounding in Procedural Placement to work from using this example. I will now spend a couple of hours watching your full tutorial on youtube and look forward to any more FS25 tutorials you may have in the pipeline.1 point
@jdunn1019 With regard to the splineSurface 'mesh' if you apply a texture to it and adjust it to any shape you want by selecting and dragging the points then in the shape tab select terrainDecal you will get the texture and shape applied to the terrain following the terrain contour, downside is the texture will be stretched. Select Insert to create more points, Delete to remove, holding shift whilst selecting points allows you to move all the selected points in the x,z direction you chose. So I suppose it could be used for creating defined paths/roads I dare say others will have different methods/uses of it, it would be nice to have a bit more definite information from Giants regarding these new features of GE.1 point
Even if you could scale a spline I don't see how it would help in your case because scaling would affect the whole spline so you will still have the different distances between them that you already have albeit larger or smaller. As I see it your options are , adjust them manually or try using the Create Duplicate Offset Splines script (it has been updated for FS25) which would mean deleting some of the splines you have already created, looking at your image this option would only affect one spline anyway.1 point