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  1. Version


    Update Added decal color so that they are not switching material with design. Update Magnon Windrow BD Version Per request by Truzedo I have made some changes to this mod. I usually don’t add huge capacity options, but I have had several requests and have seen many streamers with edited versions. So here you go. Major update I suggest selling your old one before adding this version. It should convert over, but you may lose material or get some initial warnings. There are 4 capacity and unload speed options, each option has to be selected independently in the store. I also added decal color selection and the ability to change material and color on the base and design parts. Materials are steel, chrome, stainless, brushed steel, plastic. Base Cost 132500 Option to add or remove windrowers no cost (windrow effects) Capacity 50K - Free 100K – 2000 500K – 10000 1M – 70000 Discharge options free (when matched up correctly the unit will empty in around 10 seconds) 5K LPS 10K LPS 50K LPS 100K - LPS Update Lowered ground ref to help issues with pickup. Update Added the ability to remove windrowers. If you already have one of the units purchased you should be ok I just suggest after inserting the update that you open the game, save the game, then open again. The first time opening your game save you will receive some warnings about effects and the windrowers will not show effects, however after the save and reopen the warnings will go away and everything will work. Update Made loading area for silage additive a little larger for production of silage additive in the fermenting pack added on 30.12.21 The loading wagon is live!!! Huge thanks to Grabby again for testing along the way. Also I would like to be sure to thank HungryCow Design for making the second windrow array image for me, without it I would not have been able to get effects to work on both sides. Another side note. This isn't my original idea. I found a wagon from FS15 that I believe dates back pre FS13 called the drake wagon. This loading wagon is based off that beast. This is the Magnon 530 with some bd upgrades. It has the option of 200,000 capacity with or without silage additive, or 500,000 with or without silage additive. I have added the windrowers everyone has loved in the past however in FS22 I decided to add windrow effects. The effects will only work for hay, grass, and straw. The wagon picks up silage, straw, hay, grass, and chaff.
    1 point
  2. Version


    Magnon Stone Picker BD Update Version Per request by Truzedo I have made some changes to this mod. I usually don’t add huge capacity options, but I have had several requests and have seen many streamers with edited versions. So here you go. Major update I suggest selling your old one before adding this version. It should convert over, but you may lose material or get some initial warnings. There are 4 capacity and unload speed options, each option has to be selected independently in the store. I also added decal color selection and the ability to change material and color on the base and design parts. Materials are steel, chrome, stainless, brushed steel, plastic. Base Cost 132500 Capacity 50K - Free 100K – 2000 500K – 10000 1M – 70000 Discharge options free (when matched up correctly the unit will empty in around 10 seconds) 5K LPS 10K LPS 50K LPS 100K - LPS Update Updated some modDescription to see if it helps with some server issues. Update Lowered ground ref to help issues with pickup. This is the popular Magnon loading wagon with the windrowers converted into a stone picker. $132,500 50k/100k/250k capacity option Rim color, base and secondary/decal color option. Work speed of 15mph Huge thanks to grabbylatoosh and dogface for the testing and suggestions. magnonStoneField.mp4 magnonStoneShop.mp4
    1 point
  3. NOTE: These scripts are personal edits of original scripts by various authors ( Stegei, Evgeny Zaitsev, Nicolas Wrobel,TracMax and W_R ) and posted on the FarmerBoysModding site for members of the FarmerBoysModding community's personal use and not intended for any general public release. Furthermore they are posted on the understanding that NO monetary gain whatsoever,regardless of source can be made from all or parts of them by any person(s). Including but not limited to, Patreon, soliciting for or requiring donations for work done for any purpose, posting on a website that gives any form of remuneration per download or view. Copyright remains with the original creators of these scripts. It would appear there has been some confusion with the new and old versions of these scripts so to avoid any confusion delete any previous versions of these scripts before installing these new versions and read the New Tutorials relevant to the script you are using. 24/05/23 --- Newer versions of some of these scripts available here Installation First a big thank you to Stegei, Evgeny Zaitsev, Nicolas Wrobel and TracMax the originators of some of these scripts. Whats New All the scripts no longer require the use of the Script Editor and are now executed directly from the script dropdown in GE ,- Select--Scripts The scripts now contain a set of Set Up scripts (Spline CSV Creator Set Up, Terrain Paint Set Up, Terrain Height Set Up and Spline Placement Transform ). These have to be run before using the main script as they create in the User Attributes panel of GE the User Attributes required for each script. They only require to be run once for each spline used whilst editing, also if the map is saved between edits the User Attributes created are also saved to the spline used so the setup script does not have to be run again when the map is opened for subsequent edits. Because of the various changes/updates to all the scripts it is recommended that all previous versions be deleted before installing the new versions. Download and unzip the Updated Spline Scripts.zip, and copy/paste the contents as laid out in the zip directly into C:\Users\Your Computer name\AppData\Local\GIANTS Editor 64bit 9.0.3\scripts The Updated Spline Scripts.Zip contains the following files, a brief description of each follows, further detailed information is contained in the relevant tutorials. Spline CSV Creator Set Up Creates in Giants Editor User Attributes Panel the User Attributes for the Spline CSV Creator script. Spline CSV Creator Creates a new Spline.i3d aligned to the terrain with the CSV distance set by the CSV Distance attribute in the User Attributes panel, also created is a Spline CSV data .txt both are placed in the new CSVdata folder created in the root folder of your map. Requires Spline CSV Creator Set Up to be executed first. Terrain Paint Set Up This script prints the terrain layer textures numerically in the Giants Editor Console log. It also creates in the Giants Editor User Attributes panel the necessary User Attributes for the Terrain Paint script operation.. Terrain Paint For painting along the spline using map terrain textures, different textures can be selectedand painted for the centre and left and right edge areas. Requires Terrain Paint Set Up to be executed first. Terrain Height Set Up Creates in the User Attributes panel of Giants Editor the necessary User Attributes for the Terrain Height script Terrain Height Allows for setting the terrain height using a spline and has independent height settings for centre width, left and right edge width. Requires Terrain Height Set Up to be executed first. Spline Placement Transform Creates a splineObjects transform group with the correct hierarchy in the Giants Editor Scenegraph and in User Attributes panel the User Attributes necessary for the operation of the Spline Placement script. Spline Placement Places objects along a spline at terrain height at fixed or random distances along/around and either side of the spline Requires Spline Placement Transform to be executed first Spline Placement Delete Deletes ALL objects in the placedObjects transform group. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giants Editor Spline Scripts User Attributes Brief description of the various User Attribute settings, further information available in the relevant tutorial. Note: If the map is saved the User Attributes created will be saved (complete with settings) to the relevant Transform Group/Object and will be available when the map is reopened, as such to avoid complications with the save if any of the individual User Attributes are deleted (by selecting the red X) then the next time any of the scripts are run a warning will be printed in the Console log, example below \ WARNING\ ATTRIBUTES ERROR PLEASE RESELECT SPLINE PLACEMENT TRANSFORM The User Attributes will then have to be set up again by reselecting the named Set Up script in the above case the error is with the Spline Placement script Spline CSV Creator script User Attributes created after selecting Scripts-- Spline CSV Creator Set Up Terrain Height script User Attributes created after selecting Scripts—Terrain Height Set Up Terrain Paint script User Attributes created after selecting Scripts—Terrain Paint Set Up The letters in brackets on the left of each Attribute name are there to ensure correct layout if more than one set of spline attributes are set up on a single spline, the script name is also entered to separate the individual Script Attributes, example below. Spline Placement script This script isn’t affected by the multiple attributes problem (shown above) although it still uses the same spline as the rest the Attributes are assigned to the splinePlacementTransform not the spline itself. User Attributes created after selecting Scripts—Spline Placement Transform To avoid errors and having to repeat the various Set Up scripts it is advisable not to delete any of the User Attributes until work has finished using the particular spline after which they can be all deleted if required. Further information available from the tutorials Export a Spline from Giants Editor Into Blender to Create Roads/Railways (Updated) Terrain Height, Paint Terrain and Spline Placement scripts (Updated) Note: Before using any of these scripts on a current Work In Progress (WIP) map, it is recommended that a blank starter map is used to experiment and get familiar with the scripts, settings, executions and results. Read the New Tutorials as the operation and execution of all the scripts has changed. Updated Spline Scripts_18.12.2022.zip
    1 point