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  1. Added FS22 version
  2. 4x map Mask size ??
  3. You are going to have to supply a bit more information like Is it a mod you have created or something else regarding placeables ?? Also do your xml entries (nodes) agree with the i3d nodes
  4. Here is a new way of creating roads in GE 10, still in pre release but worth keeping an eye on, in german but easily translatable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2_4s4y_dGY https://www.modding-welt.com/mods/file/3289-roadcreator-scriptpack-fs25-pre-release/ I seem to remember something similiar before in FS15/17 but it was never released.
  5. By not having collisions assigned to objects vehicles/players will be able to drive/walk/fall through all other objects buildings/gates etc The texture issue is caused by having the wrong texture/gdm/grle size for the map, The following is a list of the grle/gdm sizes required for each map size, (dem sizes are the size after saving in map GE) Normal 2k x2k map size 1. densityMap_fruits: 4096x4096 2. densityMap_ground: 4096x4096 3. densityMap_height: 4096x4096 4. densityMap_stones: 4096x4096 5. densityMap_weed: 4096x4096 6. infoLayer_farmland: 1024x1024 7. infoLayer_indoorMask: 4096x4096 8. infoLayer_navigationCollision: 2048x2048 9. infoLayer_placementCollisionGenerated: 1024x1024 10. infoLayer_tipCollision: 4096x4096 11. infoLayer_tipCollisionGenerated: 4096x4096 12. map_dem: 2049x2049 4kx4k map size 1. densityMap_fruits: 8192x8192 2. densityMap_ground: 8192x8192 3. densityMap_height: 8192x8192 4. densityMap_stones: 8192x8192 5. densityMap_weed: 8192x8192 6. infoLayer_farmland: 2048x2048 7. infoLayer_indoorMask: 8192x8192 8. infoLayer_navigationCollision: 4096x4096 9. infoLayer_placementCollisionGenerated: 2048x2048 10. infoLayer_tipCollision: 8192x8192 11. infoLayer_tipCollisionGenerated: 8192x8192 12. map_dem: 4097x4097 weight files 4096 x 4096 16kx16k map size 1. densityMap_fruits: 16384x16384 2. densityMap_ground: 16384x16384 3. densityMap_height: 16384x16384 4. densityMap_stones: 16384x16384 5. densityMap_weed: 16384x16384 6. infoLayer_farmland: 4096x4096 7. infoLayer_indoorMask: 16384x16384 8. infoLayer_navigationCollision: 8192x8192 9. infoLayer_placementCollisionGenerated: 4096x4096 10. infoLayer_tipCollision: 16384x16384 11. infoLayer_tipCollisionGenerated: 16384x16384 12. map_dem:8193x8193 weight files 8192x8192 There is a lot of confusion over map sizes it all depends on how you refer to them if by the number of times anormal 2k x2k (4 square kilometers), 4kx4k (16 square kilometres) Looking at a 16kx16k map then total area =256 sqK therefore the number of times a basic 2kx2k map will fit into that area is 64 times so in effect that is an 8kx8k map.
  6. Two things spring to mind, first is the Error shown in your log (Warning i3d contains non indexed triangles, Warning Mesh Cooking BackRoad_Used_031 and possibly several others which cannot be seen on your image) that points to incorrectly created (I presume road) meshes, second is the use of One Drive its not recommended for either GE or for the Main Game as can lead to problems. Another point as there is no shader details shown in the image what shader settings have you set. I don't uderstand what you mean by the above statement, are you saying that you are having problems with deforming the terrain in GE ??
  7. You could try this modified from this post https://gdn.giants-software.com/thread.php?categoryId=4&threadId=15656 setAudioCullingWorldProperties(-8192, -100, -8192, 8192, 500, 8192, 16, 0, 0); setLightCullingWorldProperties(-8192, -100, -8192, 8192, 500, 8192, 16, 0, 0); setShapeCullingWorldProperties(-8192, -100, -8192, 8192, 500, 8192, 16, 0, 0); or setAudioCullingWorldProperties(-8192, -100, -8192, 8192, 500, 8192, 16, 0, 9000) setLightCullingWorldProperties(-8192, -100, -8192, 8192, 500, 8192, 16, 0, 9000) setShapeCullingWorldProperties(-8192, -100, -8192, 8192, 500, 8192, 16, 0, 9000) from https://gdn.giants-software.com/thread.php?categoryId=4&threadId=15658 or this one for 16x maps -- Author:jcalv -- name:JuotcaX16RandSolved -- Namespace: local -- Description: -- Icon: -- Hide: no -- AlwaysLoaded: yes setAudioCullingWorldProperties(-4096, -100, -4096, 4096, 500, 4096, 16, 200, 1000) setLightCullingWorldProperties(-4096, -100, -4096, 4096, 500, 4096, 16, 200, 1000) setShapeCullingWorldProperties(-4096, -100, -4096, 4096, 500, 4096, 64, 200, 1000)
  8. As stated at the beginning of the tutorial Paint.net is not recommended as it only saves greyscale images as index color which cause GE to throw errors. Gimp is highly suitable as it can save in all the necessary formats. Regarding photoshop, there is no need to pay for the app, there is a free legacy version of Photoshop CS2 which does almost everything needed for Giants Editor/Farming Simulator creations with just a couple of free plugins (Nvidia dds plugin,Super PNG) https://www.techspot.com/downloads/3689-adobe-photoshop-cs2.html If you are creating a map for FS25 I suggest you have a look at the DEM Creation using QGIS Tutorial which describes how to align the overlay GE image directly onto and follow the the terrain contour so the sand and grass overlays only need to be created if you require them
  9. I don't have that problem You have of course updated the scripts, Any new script update requires ALL the scripts to be downloaded again from the zip file at the bottom of the first post replacing any previous versions.
  10. Updated Spline Paint Panel script -- 20/01/2025 Random value problem fixed and UI Changes
  11. Don't think so (then again FS25 is a strange bird) main criteria is to double the size of all the files in the map data folder (grlr/gdm/info/weight). There are several premade Blank 4x maps available on line which would save you time
  12. There are many reasons why this happens, 1. the textures are not solid but are partial (alpha layer controlled) and it depends on what position the editor places the texture (in your cas you are using a single texture not a combined one) 2. When painting the terrain using a spline it depends on where the spline is placed relative to the terrain mesh as painting is only done on a full terrain mesh section. The following image shows two identical splines painting identical textures and widths the two cubes are 2m wide to give a width reference Left hand spline is using the editors inbuilt Paint Terrain by Spline script Right hand is using the FS25 version You will also notice that when painting the terrain either by script or brush you will never get a straight edge this is due restrictions detailed above. If you wish to have a path with straight edges then you have to create a mesh in a 3d modelling programme (Blender )texture and texture and import it as an i3d then after positioning select the terrain decal option in the Shapes tab. There are many prebuilt roads/path kits available on line with straights and curves.
  13. Animations for placeables are normally done in the placeables xml, raising lowering bollards is basically the same as opening/closing doors just uses a different axis. Check the <animatedObjects> section of say the barn01 placeable in the US map for reference.
  14. Just found this little video from StrauntMaunt that may help you, he shows how to create fields in less than a minute, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzRxjy2K_To
  15. Have you tried using the Giants Studio/Debugger to check your script, a video on how to use it is available here