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Files posted by bdbssb

  1. FS25 Jumbo 8450 WR BD

    Update Version Fixed AI back node per MP7REEPER

    Update Version Worked on work areas to try and eliminate the left-over material issues.
    Update Version Fixed covers Credit to Deaf Gamer for letting me know of the issue.
    Update Version Fixed more lights again
    Update Version Fixed more lights, added a couple parts to arms.
    Update Version Thanks for finding the issue SPUDS.  Sorry fixed mass issues, will pull normal when loaded, will not try to break your tractor.
    Update Version Added visual hoses
    Update Version
    Big update: added a Stone Picker version found in the stone picker category in shop
    Fixed 1 million fill unit capacity.
    Still having issues with giants linked lights, "hope" this is fixed.
    Update Version
    Sorry for all the updates.  Realized I missed a giants lighting issue, I was also able to get hired worker to work,  not noted in last update the pickup can be lowered/raised regardless of folding state.
    Update Version
    Huge thank you to everyone who has helped find some issues.  Please feel free to give feedback so I can get issues fixed.
    Alpaca78Billy informed me that wheels247 was having issues with pickup and color was reverting back to default color from distance.  Color is now fixed.  I could not replicate the pickup issue however I did adjust max pickup to possibly address this issue.
    Barry J informed me Bundy found that I forgot to add multiplayer support, this was fixed in update.

    JUMBO 8450 DB WR
    Forage wagon with windrowing arms.
    Cost 125000
    Option to remove collision of arms.
    50K - Free
    100K – 2000
    500K – 10000
    1M – 50000
    Discharge options free (when matched up correctly the unit will empty in around 10 seconds)
    5K LPS
    10K LPS
    50K LPS
    100K LPS


       (4 reviews)



  2. FS25 Windrowing Balers

    Update Version Fixed AI back node per MP7REEPER
    Update Version Thank you BigDaddy for letting me know about the texture errors.  Fixed
    \Windrowing Balers
    Windrowers added to:
    John Deere C441R (round wrapper) & Kuhn 1290 (square)
    Wrapper version has been adjusted to allow continuous baling.  Tractor will be slowed down to allow time for wrapping and bale drop to occur.  Wrapping has been drastically sped up.
    Cost 80000
    Option to remove collision of arms.
    2 Design color 
    Rim color
    Hub color
    Silage additive standard
    Doubled consumables capacity


       (3 reviews)



  3. FS22_Magnon Windrow BD

    Added decal color so that they are not switching material with design.
    Magnon Windrow BD
    Per request by Truzedo I have made some changes to this mod.  I usually don’t add huge capacity options, but I have had several requests and have seen many streamers with edited versions.  So here you go.  Major update I suggest selling your old one before adding this version.  It should convert over, but you may lose material or get some initial warnings.  There are 4 capacity and unload speed options, each option has to be selected independently in the store.  I also added decal color selection and the ability to change material and color on the base and design parts.  Materials are steel, chrome, stainless, brushed steel, plastic.
    Base Cost 132500
    Option to add or remove windrowers no cost (windrow effects)
    50K - Free
    100K – 2000
    500K – 10000
    1M – 70000
    Discharge options free (when matched up correctly the unit will empty in around 10 seconds)
    5K LPS
    10K LPS
    50K LPS
    100K - LPS
    Update Lowered ground ref to help issues with pickup.
    Update Added the ability to remove windrowers.  If you already have one of the units purchased you should be ok I just suggest after inserting the update that you open the game, save the game, then open again.  The first time opening your game save you will receive some warnings about effects and the windrowers will not show effects, however after the save and reopen the warnings will go away and everything will work.
    Update     Made loading area for silage additive a little larger for production of silage additive in the fermenting pack added on 30.12.21
    The loading wagon is live!!!
    Huge thanks to Grabby again for testing along the way.  Also I would like to be sure to thank HungryCow Design for making the second windrow array image for me, without it I would not have been able to get effects to work on both sides.  Another side note.  This isn't my original idea.  I found a wagon from FS15 that I believe dates back pre FS13 called the drake wagon.  This loading wagon is based off that beast.
    This is the Magnon 530 with some bd upgrades.  It has the option of 200,000 capacity with or without silage additive, or 500,000 with or without silage additive.
    I have added the windrowers everyone has loved in the past however in FS22 I decided to add windrow effects.  The effects will only work for hay, grass, and straw.  The wagon picks up silage, straw, hay, grass, and chaff.


       (2 reviews)



  4. FS22 CP690WHBD

    Update minor i3d change
    Update fixed AI/worker working width.  Thank you Soas77(Iamjob) for catching this.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Update Sped up bale unloading by 4x and fixed issues with the bale not dropping to the ground.  Please let me know if you have any issues with bale unloading.
    Update Added Rivet and decals to the wings, reworked the dirt.
    This is the John Deere CP690 cotton harvester with an added foldable header, sped up, motor upgrade, and color options.
    I will add a usage video soon.  Once the unit is unfolded you can unfold and fold the header with the lift/lower button.


       (4 reviews)



  5. Silage Cheat BD

    Silage Cheat BD
    This silo is in the silo category.
    This silo will automatically convert grass, straw, chaff, and wood chips to silage.
    If you do not like cheating do not use this.


       (0 reviews)



  6. Vegetable Convert Pack BD

    Vegetable Convert Pack BD
    Currently this mod only works if you have the DLC Premium Expansion installed, if it is not installed you will not be able to pass the mod selection page.
    This pack includes 2 harvesters and multiple headers to harvest the new vegetable crops.  
    The Krone X will harvest all original crops and vegetable crops as well.  There is an included x disc when attached to the Krone X will harvest either new vegetable crops or crops you would usually use the head for.
    The Ropa Panther 2 will harvest sugar beet, potato, and new vegetables.  There are 2 edited XL9 headers.  One will harvest potato, the other will harvest vegetables.
    Capacity for both harvesters
    50K - Free
    100K – 2000
    500K – 10000
    1M – 70000
    Discharge options free (when matched up correctly the unit will empty in around 10 seconds)
    5K LPS
    10K LPS
    50K LPS
    100K - LPS
    BiG X 1180 Veg BD
    1156 - Free
    2000 - 5000
    Pipe setup
    Staionary Left (works better for using auto drive)
    Auto aim
    Panther 2 Veg
    700 - Free
    2000 - $8000


       (2 reviews)



  7. FS22 Magnon Stone Picker

    Magnon Stone Picker BD
    Per request by Truzedo I have made some changes to this mod.  I usually don’t add huge capacity options, but I have had several requests and have seen many streamers with edited versions.  So here you go.  Major update I suggest selling your old one before adding this version.  It should convert over, but you may lose material or get some initial warnings.  There are 4 capacity and unload speed options, each option has to be selected independently in the store.  I also added decal color selection and the ability to change material and color on the base and design parts.  Materials are steel, chrome, stainless, brushed steel, plastic.
    Base Cost 132500
    50K - Free
    100K – 2000
    500K – 10000
    1M – 70000
    Discharge options free (when matched up correctly the unit will empty in around 10 seconds)
    5K LPS
    10K LPS
    50K LPS
    100K - LPS
    Update Updated some modDescription to see if it helps with some server issues.
    Update Lowered ground ref to help issues with pickup.
    This is the popular Magnon loading wagon with the windrowers converted into a stone picker.
    50k/100k/250k capacity option
    Rim color, base and secondary/decal color option.
    Work speed of 15mph
    Huge thanks to grabbylatoosh and dogface for the testing and suggestions.
    magnonStoneField.mp4 magnonStoneShop.mp4


       (3 reviews)



  8. FS22 Kinze 4905 Multi

    **NOTE I have not added new vegetables to this yet, more testing will be needed**
    This is the Kinze 4900 planter edited to BD style.  There are 2 different planters/sowers in this pack.  They both will be found in the planter category.  
    4905 Blue Drive P BD will plant poplar and potato
    4905 Blue Drive Multi BD will plant everything else
    FYI with the size of this unit I upped the capacity on the unit that plants potato and beware without a script i was unable to lower seed usage so it will eat seeds fast.


       (0 reviews)



  9. FS22 Fermanure

    Update Updated placeable script by GTX (latest giants update broke original script)
    Update Placed a light fixture in the correct location after the silo pipe move from previous update.
    Update Moved unloading grid away from building a bit
    This building will produce silage from grass, straw, and wood chips, manure and digestate from silage, digestate from water and manure, then convert liquid manure to digestate, or digestate to liquid manure.
    Fermanure Walkthrough Video
    Huge credit to GTX and Farmer Andy.  The script makes things a little more unique because production, animations, effects and sounds will only start if you have product in each production point/line.  Also each line has an icon you can walk up to and start/stop production.  Because of how the script works the building will not completely empty or start at 0, the production lines will start at around 7L and the conversion of digestate and liquid manure will start around 75L because of the speed I set everything at.


       (0 reviews)



  10. FS22 Cotton Poplar Forage X Disc Convert BD

    This mod will register cotton so it can be harvested by a forage harvester and includes the in game krone x disc that will harvest cotton and poplar.
    By activating this mod you will also be able to load cotton in to any tipper that accepts bulk.


       (1 review)



  11. FS22 MultiSilo BD

    Registered cotton as bulk so tippers taking bulk will haul cotton, silo accepts cotton along with cotton bales.
    Update PLEASE READ
    If you have Silage additive in this silo please move it to another location before update or you will lose it.  I added silage additive to a category so that there wouldn't be a need for 4 triggers.
    I added a second unloading point like I did to the fermenter silo to help with auto drive issues and trailers that may load multiple products.
    Update version added bale trigger for silage, hay, straw, grass, quick bale deletion too.
    Update version added refuel trigger for equipment.
    Update version enlarged liquid triggers, added silage additive to storage.
    This placeable silo will accept anything.  Solid and Liquid.  (I left grapes out for now, it was causing huge lag on my system when unloading/loading them, if requested I can do a private edit, its simply adding trainwagon in to the categories.)
    I suggest you have an even area to place it.
    If you are having issues finding a trailer that will hual and load with all liquids check out my FERMENTER PACK it has the in game MK8 edited to haul all liquids and it will transfer as well as fuel equipment.  I have also added the small saddle tank and a service trailer to that pack.


       (3 reviews)



  12. FS22 Fermenter Pack BD Update  Added the mks32 semi trailer (with hitch), added hitch to the mks8, added selectable material to all tanks (select material then color separate).  Also changed some gui descriptions in the production menus to match the fermanure setup.
  So sorry for just noticing this but original speed on this was horrible.  I upped from 10k on fermenting per hour to 125K which is comparable to the FS19 version.  I will look at the other buildings for adjustments as well.
    Large update
    Videos below
    Since adding the fuel tank to the fermenter  placeable it has had 3 loading triggers but 2 have been on top of one another and the 3rd is by the fuel tank for equipment refuel.  However some time back viper was asking me about issues using autodrive and loading unloading.  I think after spending some ingame time I may have figured it out.  I have now moved one of the loading triggers off to the side, I think the 2 triggers being on top of one another was causing the issue.
    I added a service trailer it is simply the thunder creek from in game however it will load everything including liquid.  Both the small additive tank and large tank that were previously included will now haul all liquids, fill and overload to other equipment as well as refuel equipment.  The thunder creek trailer works the same as the two tanks however because it can be filled with anything it can fill seeders with seed, solid fertilizer, or liquid fertilizer.  
    I did some xml work that will cause any trailer in game to now haul silage additive, I did this so you would not need a stand alone tank.
    If anyone has any issues with this new update please let me know asap. I have much faster response time on discord
    My discord invite.
    Update Version Sped up bale deletion
    Update Version Added bale trigger to input.
    Update Version added a trigger next to the small fuel tank to refuel equipment
    Update Version added mass update false to towable tank.  Enlarged liquid trigger on output of silo.
    Update Version Added silage additive to production line takes liquid fertilizer and digestate to make silage additive.  Also edited the small sprayer tank to haul the silage additive (could not add to other tank because additive is not in category).  The tank is found in the misc category.  The small tank will overload to balers and loading wagons. I expanded the additive fill area of the magnon windrower wagon to fill directly from the production building easier. 
    Fyi sialge additive adds about 5% yield to grass only.
    This fermenter uses the in game production lines.
    It will produce 
    Silage from straw, chaff, grass, or woodchips.
    The silo will store the silage or you can start secondary productions with the made silage or silage dumped in to the silo.
    Silage will produce fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, or diesel.  When producing these products it will also produce a small amount of digestate.
    The silo will also store all products involved with production.
    Included with the pack is a trailer found in the misc section.  It is the MKS8 small trailer modified to accept all liquids in game.  It will dump in to the silo, load from the silo, or fuel equipment.  I havent tested all equipment however i was able to fill the aeon 5200 from the silo and tank.  Per update a small tank was added to haul silage additive as well.
    To get to productions hit P and go down to the dashed lines thenselect construction, then production. If you have no other production mods it will be all the way to the right and named fermenter. Once you put material in the silo you will need to activate the production. To do this hit escape and click on the production icon, i believe its right under contracts. Then you simply select each line and hit activate on the bottom.
    1 (17).mp4
    1 (11).mp4
    1 (12).mp4
    1 (13).mp4
    1 (14).mp4


       (2 reviews)



  13. BD Factory Pack

    Update 08.04.23 Added a utility trailer.
    Update 04.04.23 Added a drivable box truck.
    Walkthrough Video
    This pack requires downloading the Global Company Script from the in game modhub. Must be minimum version number
    Important:  A semi box trailer is included in the pack.  This trailer must be used to pick up eggs and doughnuts. It can be found in tools/misc.
    This is a pack that includes 2 factory lines.  A sell point, and storage building
    First is the  coffee bean orchard, coffee bean roaster grow beans at the orchard and take them over to the roaster. 
    Second is a doughnut production line.  There is a mill that produces flour, sugar, and vegetable oil.  A produce placeable that produces milk and eggs.
    Also very important is a semi box trailer that is included in the pack.  This trailer must be used to pick up eggs and doughnts.
    The storage building will hold any product made or used in either factory line.
    wheat, barley, canola, corn, sunflower, soybean, sugarcane, sugarBeet, seeds, fertilizer, manure, coffeeBeanRaw, coffeeBean, doughnut, egg, flour, sugar, vegetableOil, milk, diesel, water, herbicide, and liquidFertilizer
    The sell point will only accept
    Coffee Bean Raw, Coffee Bean, Vegetable Oil, Flour, Sugar, Milk, Doughnut, Diesel, Fertilizer, Liquid Fertilizer, and Digestate
    Coffee Orchard
    Cost:  20,000
    Input                                             Percent                                         Capacity
    Seed                                                     5%                                             2.5 million
    Solid or Liquid Fertilizer          10%                                          5 million
    Herbicide                                          10%                                          5 million
    Water                                                   75%                                         5 million
    Output                             Capacity
    Coffee Bean Raw      5 million
    Coffee Roaster
    Cost:  20,000
    Input                                             Percent                                         Capacity
    Coffee Bean Raw                      100%                                          5 million
    Diesel                                                 5%                                              5 million
    Output                                     Capacity
    Coffee Bean                           5 million
    Farmer Boys Sell Station
    Cost: $1
    Can sell Coffee Bean Raw, Coffee Bean, Vegetable Oil, Flour, Sugar, Milk, Doughnut, Diesel, Fertilizer, Liquid Fertilizer, and Digestate
    This placeable is found in the placeables miscellaneous tab.
    Factory Storage
    Cost:  10,000
    Capacity:  50Mil per product
    Found in the placeables under silos.
    BD Produce
    Cost:  20,000
    This placeable produces eggs from corn or wheat, and water.  It also produces milk from barley, soybean, or sunflower.  In addition manure is made as a by-product.  To load eggs you need the Bd semi box van included in the pack.  It can be found in tools/misc.  Eggs are loaded up under the silo pipe.
    BD Mill
    Cost:  20,000 
    This placeable makes flour from barley or wheat, vegetable oil from canola, sunflower, or soybean, and sugar from corn, sugar beet, or sugar cane as well as diesel.
    BD Doughnut Fryer
    Cost:  20,000 
    This makes doughnuts from diesel, vegetable oil, flour, sugar, egg, milk, and water.  To load doughnuts you need the Bd semi box van included in the pack.  It can be found in tools/misc.  Doughnuts can be loaded by the box on the end of the doughnut fryer.
    BD Semi Box Van
    Cost:  30,000 
    Has 2 options for capacity. 60K or 200K
    This trailer most importantly is needed to pickup eggs and doughnuts.  It will also haul "ANY" material in the game.  It will overload to seeders, sprayers, and refuel equipment as well.
    BD Semi Box Van W/Dolly
    Cost:  32,000 
    The same trailer and functions as the semi box van however there is a dolly fixed to the front so it can be pulled with a tractor or in tandem behind another trailer.
    This trailer also has an optional pin lock feature that allows you to keep the dolly from pivoting for easier backing.


       (2 reviews)



  14. FS22 Slurry Tanks BD

    Update Slowed application rate (will still fertilize the same just uses less product) and upped capacity to 250K
    Update Added a selectable option to either be able to use the tank as a spreader or haul all liquids on the map you are playing.
    Youtube Walkthrough video
    Update   Fixed loading issue with the ats and sped up loading/unloading for both units.  Thanks for letting me know @spuds.
    I converted the drivable slurry trike and ats into units that could simply spread, you can still attach the cultivator implements however now you can simply spread the slurry 30 meters wide without a cultivator. 1 (06).mp4   
    1 (03).mp4


       (0 reviews)



  15. FS22_Fastrac 250-999 Hp

    The nimble fastrac with hp selection of
    250, 550, 750, 999
    Bumped speed up a bit
    Color selectable


       (0 reviews)



  16. FS22 Chemical Plant

    Update Version Upped production speed and added descriptions in lines and language translations.
    Update Moved liquid loading away from silo trigger.  Also notice I had an issue with icon textures, now fixed.
    Update Version Sped up bale deletion.
    Update Version Added bale trigger to input.
    This production plant will pump water with the use of diesel, produce diesel and digestate from silage, produce road salt from diesel and water, produce herbicide from water, digestate, diesel, and road salt.


       (0 reviews)



  17. FS22 Fertilizer Seed Lime BD

    Update Version Upped output speed and added some language translations.
    Update Version Moved liquid loading trigger to the side, updated icons.
    Update Version Sped up bale deletion.
    Update Version Added bale trigger to input.
    I changed the leveling area but it is suggested to have a larger area or level an area out before placing.
    This building makes seed with barley, wheat, oat, soybean, corn and it will also need a small amount of fertilizer with each line.
    This building also makes lime from stone.
    This building also makes fertilizer and digestate from silage.
    To get to productions hit P and go down to the dashed lines then select construction, then production. If you have no other production mods it will be all the way to the right and named fermenter. Once you put material in the silo you will need to activate the production. To do this hit escape and click on the production icon, i believe its right under contracts. Then you simply select each line and hit activate on the bottom.


       (0 reviews)



  18. FS22 Food Mixer BD

    UPDATE  *****PLEASE READ*****
    Did a big update on this guy. Fixed some filltype and upped production speed. If you don’t sell the building you will just get a warning of non supported filltype.  Seed oil, root crop, and grain will be lost. After a game save the warning will go away.  I made my own filltype so there is actually seed oil, root crop, and grain. I think the canola oil, cut beets, and flour was causing price fluctuation. The new version is better anyway because now storage names match production line names.
    Update Sped up bale deletion.
    Update Added bale trigger to input.
    Update Version Changed store image, decals on building to identify it better (per Deafgamer), changed production icon.
    It is important you look at notes below to understand how this building works.  If you have a previous version of this building (look at modDesc version) Sell the building save then restart.
    Huge thanks to grabby for testing and suggestions  
    This building will produce pig food and TMR for cows.
    50% Corn, 25% Grain (wheat or barley), 20% oilseed (canola or sunflower or soybean), 5% Root (sugar beet or potato)
    The corn, grain, oilseed, and root will be shown in the production menu as corn, grain will be flour once converted, oilseed will be canola oil once converted, root will be sugar beet cut once converted.  All those products in the pig food line will be combined as the formula I mentioned above.
    Then you choose the line with the Pig Food icon that mixes the corn, flour, canola oil, Sugra beet root together.  You can use either crop to make each line I just havent found a way to mix filltypes like i was able to do in the past.
    The TMR is pretty straight forward it takes silage, grass, and straw.  I did not add the mineral.


       (0 reviews)



  19. Fermenter Pack

    This pack contains the following fermenters.    Each fermenter has an input and output capacity of 5 million.  This pack requires downloading the Global Company Script from the ingame modhub.
    Silage Solid Fertilizer Fuel Liquid Fertilizer Cost of each building: $20,000
    Input: GRASS WOODCHIPS CHAFF HAY STRAW (takes bales as well)
    Output: Every building outputs silage and per name of building.


       (1 review)



  20. FS22 Impress 185 Wr BD

    Updated version Added the option to add/remove windrowers.
    Update version 
    Per a request by roar in my discord channel I added a buffer chamber to the baler so that now there is no need to stop you can just keep baling, depending on how much grass is on the ground it may slow down to match the timing of the chamber.
    This is the in game Impress 185 round baler wrapper with the added windrower arms and silage additive.  Silage additive only works with grass it adds 5% yield.  The speed is cranked up a bit, for a hired worker to work the best I suggest setting your cruise to around 13MPH if not the worker will not stop quick enough and leave product.
    Huge thanks to Grabby again for testing along the way.  Also I would like to be sure to thank HungryCow Design for making the second windrow array image for me, without it I would not have been able to get effects to work on both sides.  Another side note.  This isn't my original idea.  I found a wagon from FS15 that I believe dates back pre FS13 called the drake wagon.  This loading wagon is based off that beast.
    2022-12-27 10-08-08.mp4  


       (1 review)



  21. FS22 Nova Cat Pack Converted

    Lowered HP usage
    I didn't realize that the fs22 version of the nova cat mowers did not attach together.  I converted the nova cat mowers from fs19 and added the working swath to the 8 so that it can be selected to work full width or swath to the middle.  I also narrowed the drop area of the 301 a bit to make the windrow a bit tighter.
    Color selection added as well.
    1 (36).mp4 1 (37).mp4 1 (38).mp4


       (0 reviews)



  22. FS 22 SB 1290 Windrower Wrapper Pack BD

    After converting the Nova Cat mowers I decided to add the option to remove windrowers on the baler.  Just a heads up the first time you load you game save with an old baler on the map it will give you a warning about config settings (I added), however once you save the game and re open the warning will no longer be there.
    1 (31).mp4  
    1 (32).mp4  

    Added a hitch to the baler and added a sped up wrapper.
    If you had the sb1290 bought it will by default now have the hitch, if you don't want the hitch you can upgrade it in the shop to remove it.  Again in the shop default is with the draw bar, it is an option to remove it.  The wrapper in the pack can either be found by hitting the combination under the baler or simply look for the modded Kuhn 4014. Now live, added sounds for windrow arms. Added siliage additive option  (gives you a 5% boost in yield with grass only) Removed  light in i3d causing warning
    This is the SB 1290 (square) baler with some bd upgrades.  Simply it has windrowers added to it to widen your work area to 20 meter.  Also has the option for silage additive.
    Silage additive adds 5% yield to grass only.
    Again please give me feedback and I hope you enjoy.


       (1 review)



  23. FS22 NZ Extreme 1425 Plow BD

    This is simply the NZ Extreme 1425 cultivator converted to a plow, working sped upped, and folding sped up.  Colors added as well.


       (1 review)



  24. FS22 Junior 108 BD

    Update Fixed a bad line in the xml.
    Giants Porsche Diesel Junior 108 that does not seem to be showing up in game.
    Someone did share in my discord how this tractor can  be unlocked 


       (0 reviews)



  25. FS22 Quadtrac BD

    This is the FS19 Quadtrac converted to FS22.  Just finished so let me know if there are any issues.


       (1 review)

