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About This File

Update Updated placeable script by GTX (latest giants update broke original script)

Update Placed a light fixture in the correct location after the silo pipe move from previous update.

Update Moved unloading grid away from building a bit

This building will produce silage from grass, straw, and wood chips, manure and digestate from silage, digestate from water and manure, then convert liquid manure to digestate, or digestate to liquid manure.

Fermanure Walkthrough Video

Huge credit to GTX and Farmer Andy.  The script makes things a little more unique because production, animations, effects and sounds will only start if you have product in each production point/line.  Also each line has an icon you can walk up to and start/stop production.  Because of how the script works the building will not completely empty or start at 0, the production lines will start at around 7L and the conversion of digestate and liquid manure will start around 75L because of the speed I set everything at.

What's New in Version   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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