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densityMapHeight heaps fill without planes on feeders


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Plane are used in FS22 animal feeders and drinkers. But they are not suitable for my models of feeders, they stick out on semicircular ones (I learned from one mapper that there is a script or an xml line that sets a changeable Scale when filling). And what it is and where to find it, I have no idea and I can't clarify it again from him.

Although it would be more interesting to fill the feeders without lifting planes and leave planes only for drinkers.

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  • Wrinkley

Plane are used in FS22 animal feeders and drinkers.But they are not suitable for my models of feeders, they stick out on semicircular ones

You can make the food planes any shape/size  you want in Blender and import back into GE as an i3d.

Height is then adjusted in the relevant xml e.g. extract from lizard cowBarn small -- <foodPlane node="foodPlane" minY="0.025" maxY="0.177" changeVisibility="true" defaultFillType="FORAGE"/>

Regarding densityMapHeights heaps, I think you will find that they are also planes, albeit generated by script , to see in action ingame press F4 (wireframe) and tip a crop to ground.

In FS19 when tipping to ground I am almost sure it was the actual terrain that was used to create the heap by reducing the terrain size from unitsPerPixel="2" to unitsPerPixel="0.5" around the tip area

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  • Wrinkley

Then the only way I can think of doing something like that is by animation and setting the scale to go from small to large (also adjusting thge height at the same time)

 I beleive something along those lines was done in previous FS versions but I can't remeber which at the moment.

Just thought of another method using the vertex paint system, much like the snow density on roofs going from small to large, though whether this can be implemented without extra scripting I don't know

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dynamicFoodPlane can most likely do this, because the fillType shape is limited by the geometry of the object. I made it in Blender, but I couldn't get it to work, there were error

A vertex in the full volume top plane is not connected to other top plane vertices
Ok, I fixed it by removing the n-gons in Blender and triangulating faces, but the second one comes out

Fill volume input mesh has no faces in the top plane of its bounding box

perhaps not only faces, but the shape itself should be triangular

Ok, I'm taking fillVolume from the gamefolder/placeables/rudolfHormann/cowBarnMedium.3d and the error disappears immediately.

if there are problems with Full Volume, I will write here later.

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