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  1. Open windows explorer select the the three dots at the top In the dropdown select options In the folder options pop up select view Under Hidden files and folders select Show Hidden files,folders and drives Select apply app data folder should now be visible in C:/Users/******
  2. I am a bit confused as to what you are trying to achieve, if you want a 'farm' area of 12k x 12k then simply create a 16k x 16k map and only use the 12k x 12k section leaving the 4k surplus as a border area then if rquired add a further border mesh to get the overall 20k x 20k area you seem to want (judging by your KMZ files).
  3. To get a proper dem you will need to combine all the 26 tiifs into one single tiff using a programm such as QGIS this will then even out the different shadings and gaps usually found when importing UK lidar directly into Google Earth. The following is one combining method using QGIS QGIS download from here https://qgis.org/en/site/ --approx 1.2gb Once downloaded/installed in the folder QGIS 3.36.0 select QGIS Desktop 3.36.0 select Plugins You now require the following plugins Virtual Raster Builder -- may need to be reinstalled (without uninstalling) to remove error message go2streetview Google Earth Engine Grass GIS provider KML Tools LAStools Raster Cutter Once you have the plugins installed Select Project -- Properties - CRS and ensure the EPSG:27700 - OSGB36/ British National Grid is selected (tip in filter type 27700 to bring up the correct entry to select) this setting is important for alignment between the different CRS of Google and OSGB which causes the splits between rasters when imported directly into Google Earth. Next Settings -- Rendering -- Raster -- Contrast Enhancement -- Single Band Grey --Stretch to min/Max --selected in dropdown Drag and drop all the Defra tif images into the the main screen they will open in seperate Layers Now select Raster -- Miscellaneous --Build Virtual Raster At the end of the Input Layers box select the 3 dots this will bring up another pop up with a list of all the layers in your Layers panel Select All then Run A new Layer will appear named Virtual with all the selected Layers merged into one image with the correct brightness/contrast To save this virtual file as a tif right click on it Export -- Save As in the 'Save Raster Layer as' pop up Select Rendered Image Select the three dots at the end of the filename box to open a file browser add file name Save and in Save Raster layer pop up select OK Open Google Earth and drag drop new file into it NOTE: The CRS EPSG:27700 - OSGB36/British National Grid setting only applies to UK Lidar for any other SRTM Tiff the setting has to be changed to match that tiffs CRS.
  4. @c.christensen98 Pm me the coordinates of your Geo. tiff (ie. n51_w003_1arc) and the site you downloaded it from and I will see what is going on with this continuing 'whiteout'.
  5. @deboy130 As far as I'm aware you cannot create a 45x map all maps have to be to ^2 i.e 2,4,8,16,32 64 etc see this list of map dem/gdm/grle sizes required for the various size maps (courtesy of Bonger76) Normal map size 1. densityMap_fruits: 4096x4096 2. densityMap_ground: 4096x4096 3. densityMap_height: 4096x4096 4. densityMap_stones: 4096x4096 5. densityMap_weed: 4096x4096 6. infoLayer_farmland: 1024x1024 7. infoLayer_indoorMask: 4096x4096 8. infoLayer_navigationCollision: 2048x2048 9. infoLayer_placementCollisionGenerated: 1024x1024 10. infoLayer_tipCollision: 4096x4096 11. infoLayer_tipCollisionGenerated: 4096x4096 12. map_dem: 1025x1025 4x map size 1. densityMap_fruits: 8192x8192 2. densityMap_ground: 8192x8192 3. densityMap_height: 8192x8192 4. densityMap_stones: 8192x8192 5. densityMap_weed: 8192x8192 6. infoLayer_farmland: 2048x2048 7. infoLayer_indoorMask: 8192x8192 8. infoLayer_navigationCollision: 4096x4096 9. infoLayer_placementCollisionGenerated: 2048x2048 10. infoLayer_tipCollision: 8192x8192 11. infoLayer_tipCollisionGenerated: 8192x8192 12. map_dem: 2049x2049 16x map size 1. densityMap_fruits: 16384x16384 2. densityMap_ground: 16384x16384 3. densityMap_height: 16384x16384 4. densityMap_stones: 16384x16384 5. densityMap_weed: 16384x16384 6. infoLayer_farmland: 4096x4096 7. infoLayer_indoorMask: 16384x16384 8. infoLayer_navigationCollision: 8192x8192 9. infoLayer_placementCollisionGenerated: 4096x4096 10. infoLayer_tipCollision: 16384x16384 11. infoLayer_tipCollisionGenerated: 16384x16384 12. map_dem: 4097x4097
  6. @c.christensen98, see the note in the Microdem section of the tutorial Note: Some SRTM’a display a completely white images in Google Earth, if this happens open the SRTM in Microdem and follow the above steps to modify the Display Parameters.
  7. The CSV script is primarily for use where the spline is created away from the terrain for example tracing the road layout along the Google Earth Layout image then executing the script so that the new spline follows the terrain contours and road shape. It can also be used to crete a rough spline path with minimal CV's and then create a new spline with a chosen number of CV's for greter accuracy when setting terrain height and road layout.
  8. Unfortunately there is no way to turn off the road labels but you can reduce the size of the font by Tools --Options --3D Font and selecting the smallest size and Apply. I will add a rider to the main tutorial regarding the new method for later versions of Blender.
  9. Did you follow the new tutorial for Blender 2.93 and above on page three of this topic.
  10. As it appears you only require the splines you would have to rewrite the script so that just the splines are created and using the multiple spline entry section from the EditorUtils.paintTerrainBySpline script in the EditorUtils.lua (which can be found in C:/Users/YOUR COMPUTER NAME/AppData/Local/GIANTS Editor 64bit 9.0.6/scripts/EditorScripts) to allow multiple splines to be selected, though given the large number of splines (approx 500 of unknown length) I would expect it to take a fair few hours to create all the new splines notwhistanding any crashes/freezes that may/may not occur. I may be mistaken but as far as I'm aware Autodrive only uses splines(traffic/AI) for route management not for the creation of courses.
  11. I stopped using microdem as I couldn't get it to work correctly with the OS CRS 27700. I now use QGIS for any dems needed which is a fully functioning geospatial programme and allows all sorts of plugins including Google Earth/Open Street map overlays It takes a bit of getting used to but is worth it in the end. PM me the 1m grid references and I will merge them up into a tif and png file for you if you want Will also PM you regarding QGIS --
  12. The only way of "fixing this" is to carry on placing stones where you want them. Bear in mind that stones added in GE (Terrain Editing -Foliage Layer Painting --Foliage Layer --stone) will be saved to the maps/data/densityMap.stones.gdm file , whereas any stones added in game (Construction Brush) will only be saved in the save game folder densityMap.stones.gdm file. Should you wish to update the main maps/data/densityMap.stones.gdm with any new additions added in game then simply copy/paste the save game densityMap.stones.gdm file to the maps/data/ folder replacing original (renaming original to backup_densityMap.stones.gdm first to avoid any problems that may occur).
  13. Have the stones been placed in that area ? Quick way to check is to convert the densityMap.stones.gdm to a png using the grle converter v7.0.1 (available here https://gdn.giants-software.com/downloads.php) then open it in an image editor and increase the contrast until the stones layout is visible.
  14. Could you supply a GE image of the InfoLayer_farmlands.grle of your map with the Terrain Info Layer Paint Mode selected and farmlands selected in the Terrain Editing Panel Info Layer Painting, Info Layer box Preferably of the farmland area's that appear to have not been painted by the script