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  1. I sent it. I downloaded for USGS Earth Explorer.
  2. I have done so, and at the z-range portion, it makes the DEM appear all white again when I do the conversion. In this case, my DEM when clicking specified has values of (Min - 674, Max - 2000). When doing the math for the giants editor that would put the terrain between 85 - 255. I am wondering if after putting in the new z-range if the DEM should look completely white or not.
  3. @WrinkleysRule Is it common for DEM's to just appear as a white or black image? I find that when I download my .tif files and DEM's following the tutorial, it seems like they don't apply right away, and when importing them into google earth, it shows up as a blank white square.
  4. That is great, thank you! I hope you know what a fantastic resource this is. You've done a great job and it is awesome how much you help and interact with the community. It inspires a lot of us to learn how to contribute to something we all enjoy, so thank you for being a positive catalyst!
  5. Oh wow, I had no clue that there was a new tutorial. This is great news! Thank you for directing me, I appreciate that a lot. I suppose another question I had is that in Google Earth Pro, when selecting and highlighting roads and turning sunlight as low as possible, it highlights the roads correctly, but it appears that there is no way to turn off the roads from being labeled (despite ensuring that all labels are off beside roads). Is this just a downfall of current versions of google earth?
  6. Hey Wrinkleys! I have been working hard the past few days to follow your DEM mapping tutorial and I finally was able to get the weights in (for the most part), and get the border into the map. However, I was having trouble getting my border to align with the terrain of my map. It appears that the border I used in blender didn't end up having any kind of depth (remained completely flat after importing into giants editor). Is there a common issue you may know of, or why this may happen? The area is relatively flat, so I figured that could be a part of it, but there are some rolling hills and whatnot, so I imagined there would be some kind of difference in height.