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the combine doesn't even cut the crop as soon as I drive into the crop which the field info says it's mine, the header just stops rotating and I loose control of the machine it just drives off

The scripts have nothing to do with the Combine driving problems your description points to a problem with your input bindings or a mod conflict.

The errors shown in your image are created by incorrect field painting/saving.

Suggest you redo the field from scratch

To help you with this I have created a TEXT ONLY VERSION in the .docx format (Word) of the main tutorial which is available at the end of the main tutorial.
Carefully follow the instructions do not try to shortcut any section any problems check the relevant section in the main tutorial for more in depth descriptions.


Edited by WrinkleysRule
Moved Text only zip to main tutorial

Hi sorry to be  a pain again

I have given it another go from scratch like you said and everything worked fine until I tried to paint the ground foliage, But because your instructions said to have the console open when I opened the paint ground foliage panel all the errors came up like this

    Foliage State ;  0 , Remove ,  
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 2022/data/foliage/maize/maize.xml'.
Warning (script): Unknown entity id 0 for 'object' in method 'getXMLString'.
LUA call stack:
  =C:/Users/Pete/AppData/Local/GIANTS Editor 64bit 9.0.6/scripts/Paint Field Ground Foliage Panel.lua (161) : getXMLString 

But you can still paint the ground so everything looked good which is probably where I am going wrong 

in the script editor I put this

 local gInst = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 2022/"   do I need something after this like data/maps


I don't use steam so not sure on the filepath but looking at your log it appears that the script has not found the BARLEY foliage either but with no error shown for BARLEY

The entry for BARLEY should show the following

    Foliage State ;  0 , Remove , 1. invisible , 2. green small , 3. green small 2 , 4. green middle , 5. green big , 6. green big 2 , 7. harvest ready , 8. dead , 9. harvested ,

which seems to point to a filepath problem so check the filepath to the data/foliage folder

The foliage in the Set Foliage Layer dropdown is taken directly from the i3d file  so does all the default foliage appear in the dropdown ?


Having done a quick google search for the correct path when using steam I found this topic


and in the last post it shows the steam path as

"C:\Program Files (86)\Steam\steamapps\Farming Simulator 22\common\"

A quick way to double check that this is correct is in GE --File --Preferences and check the Game Installation --Installation Path

this entry then can be copy/pasted to the gInst variable in the script replacing the existing one, not forgetting the quotes.


Just to let you know that you were right, nothing wrong with the script just the idiot using it. I found out that it was to do with the fact that I had painted the tip collisions instead of removing them from the map.

And no errors after I re done the installation path.

Everything seems to be working now but when I deselect swath dropping I get the chaff coming out but also it leaves it looking like it has been limed or it has snow on it see the picture below.

The  4m hedge you put in, which one was it from the base game because the one I got b4m looks more like the tidy hedge in your picture and I want it to look a bit more untidy.harvesterproblems.thumb.png.cb9f17a933906d3cdb7e21bc05d8dfec.png



Glad you finally got it sorted, ground texture wise  it looks like you have inadvertently added lime to the terrain detail ground texture, make sure you only have the Set Foliage Layer and Ground Type selected and all the the other settings blank.

Hedges they were the default hedges, if you want alternative hedges then have a look at other maps FS22_Maypole Farm is one to look at.

You could ceate your own hedge simply by importing the decoBush i3d from Farming Simulator 2022--data-- foliage - decoBush and mix and match the hedge sizes/types in the Objects To Place TG with a Set Object distance, couls also add a pagodsa dogwood tree into the mix.


Here's an example of using the default bushes in varying sizes/rotation/random object placement, placed with the spline placement script, experiment with the placement script settings to get the result you want.

Screenshot 2024-08-04 121552.png



Yes that's the sort of thing I want. Is that done with the main base game bushes, or is it from giants editor and is it done by making a section up and and saving it as an i3d.

Oh and I got rid of the white stuff in the chaff I didn't have straw chopped in the spray type ticked


When using the default bushes it is necessary to cretae a seperate TG group for each individual bus state (small/Large etc) as shown in the below image this will allow the LOD change to work so helping perfomance

Screenshot 2024-08-04 151624.png

The image belows a hedge created using all four decoBush states with the Spline placement script set up as follows

Set Object Distance  -- 2

Random 'Y' Rotation -- Selected

Random Order Selected

Screenshot 2024-08-04 152014.png

Note: When using the Random Order you may get gaps where a small hedge (which is less than 2m wide) is placed next to another small hedge.



ok I see thanks for that. I have tried another hedge with deco bushes but it was just one bush and I told it to do random sizes and rotation which doesn't look to bad

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