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Everything posted by harvey

  1. Hi again thank you so much for that got it done quickly and easily, i learn more complex stuff from you than all of my teachers and you make it so easy. im now stuck on my borders not lining up, i have uploaded a zip to google drive, it includes the tiff, the refrence lines for google maps, a blender file (3.6) and dems for the border with the cover textures. My dem is a 12km terrain squeezed into a think an 8x as my plane doesn’t line up as 16344 or 8192 scale https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xGHILKeVGOTzGvmywCtdBNFsqdctoEYk/view?usp=drivesdk Could you please guide me as to where im going wrong thanks MARVVV
  2. Hey guys, im redoing my dem trying to use the British LiDAR information, as it’s a 16x map I’m kinda brain hurt as not only have I got 26 different tiffs, I have below sea level areas down to like -10 and areas upwards of 315m (google earth) on some of the outside borders, I’ve been trying my best going over and over to no brake through, obviously I was hoping I could just import the tifs into google earth (which I have). and just copy that layout into a dem but for obvious reasons it’s too hilly (Mendip hills to Somerset levels) if you could point me in the right direction I would be grateful as going in circles for 20 hours isn’t the best thanks MARVVV
  3. Hi, just wondering if there’s any way to reverse a spline after using spline offset script as i need 2 directional traffic, thanks, marvvv
  4. Hi, dont know if this is the place to ask but looking for any suggestions, when using place by spline for some reason once a object hits a 90 on the y axis it turns to 180 -~ 180 or -90 on y would be something like that, is there a way to keep rotations in a format of 0 [number like 158] 0? any helps greatly appriciated as am having blur troubles with blender method of creating roads thanks, marvvv