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Posts posted by Zxodiacx

  1. well, so far, painting in that one section is the only issue I've noticed.  I guess (and I'm gonna use a big word I never get to use) the quandary is, what else is it or will it affect?  Either way, it is what it is at this point.  Thanks for all your help.

  2. 21 hours ago, Zxodiacx said:

    scratch that.... it did it again.. It has to be an unrelated bug. I'm convinced it has nothing to do with the scripts.


    And today that same spline is fine. I know it's not related to the script but I would sure like to know what's going on if anyone has an idea.


  3. Either way, must have been a bug in the spline.  You can see there's no cp where the gizmo is if you zoom.  I replaced it and it's working as intended.


    place spline, move S, delete E.  That is all I ever do. Unless I'm dragging it around to make a shape, of course.

  4. That answer threw me enough that I got out of bed and went and checked. Wasn't the case though.  It's almost 5am and I need sleep so I'll mess with it tomorrow.


    Pm inbound

  5. Hey guys,


    I have a long, winding spline I'm trying to paint and I'm using a short spline overlaid to test settings.  Both have identical settings in the TP ua but the results are quite different as the short spline paints wider than the longer.  Is there something I'm missing?  Also, @WrinkleysRule, I have an idea I'd like to bounce off of you, is pm here the best way to contact you?


  6. Well, just know that I appreciate everything, especially you sharing your time with me.  I have a bit of the 'tism so the learning curve has been pretty steep.


    The error is "Error: Please select FieldDefinition defintions root!" and it happens if I use gameplay/fields rather than fieldsNew/fields when running the Create Field Dimensions script.

  7. Sorry if that was confusing, I had just woke up. Files are setup as instructed and these are the steps I'm taking. ( I didn't see a spoiler tag so I'll delete this after) .  The fields do show in the in-game maps but I cannot select them and they do not have numbers on either map.



    initial setup


    --> brackets mean [selected] TGs etc
    --> these.are.script.names


    Field.Dimensions.Set.Up script

    make cones - one in newFieldMarkers, border cones in newFieldMarkers/Markers

    [fieldsNew/fields]  - Scripts – Map – Toggle.Render.Field.Areas


    and for each field


    place nFM cone in center, nfm/M cones around border

    [fieldsNew/fields] - Create.Field.Dimensions script - change field number

    [fieldsNew/fields] + [Markers] - Create.Field.Dimensions script - Execute

    move cones outside field edges

    [farmlandDimensions/fields] + [Markers] -  Create.Field.Dimensions script - Execute

    [farmlandDimensions/fields/fieldXX] - Paint.Farmland_farmlands.xml script - Execute

    copy fieldsNew/fields/fieldXX to gameplay/fields/fieldXX and select it

    Paint.Field.Ground.Foliage script - choose foliage options 

    [gameplay/fields/fieldXX] - Paint.Field.Ground.Foliage.v2.1 script - Execute



    Also, the tut says :


    Open the Script Editor in GE (Window – Script Editor) and with the fields transform selected,  in the Script Editor select the Create Field Dimension script, adjusting the variable  fieldNumber setting to the next consecutive field number in this case 2.

    If you leave the field number at zero it will automatically start at 1 and increase consecutively throughout the current session.




    ETA: I also get an error if I use gameplay/fields instead of fieldsNew/fields.

  8. Well, I'm learning a lot thanks to you guys but this one I can't figure out. I get the fields made and all but I'm not sure how to make them buyable. There's no field numbers on the farmland or overview maps.


    Also, leaving the field number at 0 it's making two fields at once. If I start at 1 will it auto increment?



    And, to save me a post in the future, when I get all the fields made and copied to gameplay/fields, do I delete the  Tags made by the script?