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Posts posted by Timsp

  1. Dear Wrinkley,

    Thanks again for the response and pictures! I indeed did not set it to 1 in GE so that helps. 
    Further on the roads to set terrein by height script is a great proposal to try out, helps me alot.

    For sure will play around with these tips this weekend and really appreciate your feedback!


  2. Dear all,

    Maybe you have some scaling tips for me on using a Blender model to import in GE. I noticed it with the borders and now a custom road I made when importing into GE. I aligned the imported "Border mesh" to the map "terrain"  and use the same heightmap basis for both, of course cropped different as in the tutorial due to scale.

    I then aligned the border to the map  from Blender into GE where X and Z share the same scale up as model is imported very tiny into GE, like at 0.000003  scale.
    When then making the roads I exported the "terrain" data first from GE, imported that as object in Blender to ensure fit and made the road with a schrinkwrap to the GE imported generated terrein. Then export the roadmesh from Blender to id3 and import into GE to see how it fits.
     I see the X and Z scaleup is the same , however the height scale Y seems to not fit and requires many tweaking, what i dont get as i used GE terrain in Blender.

    Are my thoughts are correct that when I shrinkwrap the road to the GE imported terrain in Blender,  it should match in both Blender and GE right at the same X,Y,Z scaleup? Or is scaling always a matter of tweaking in GE? 

    example aligned.JPG

    example aligned road wrong.JPG

  3. Dear WrinkleysRule,

    Thanks for the quick response.
    I applied the modifiers in the same order as the tutorial, what I noticed is that the Edge split disppears from the menu list after applying it, but I applied them in the order you mentioned. It must have went wrong in the modifier part as when I press edit mode it turns back into the flat plane which is clearly not right. (picture 2)

    Apply Subdivision Surface Modifier then Displace Modifier
    Add Modifier –Edge Split and apply

    Picture 1.PNGPicture 2.PNG

  4. Dear WrinkleysRule,

    First of all thank you for the great tutorial. Did all the steps and had no issues till the end!

    Now the only issue I get is when I export the border from Blender and import it to Giant Editor. The landscape in Blender shows the elevation as your example, but is flat in GE and is not showing as many polygons as your example shows to cut out the centre part.

    Now Im using a newer version of blender what could cause this issue. Any thoughts on where I should look at? Thanks.

