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Posts posted by jobjobplayrough

  1. I tend to find it easier and faster to turn the CSV in to a Curve. Then create "one" section of your road. Setup your UV for the section. Then use and Array Modifer and Curve Modifier on the section you just created. I am not sure how verse you are in Blender I can try and type out a more detailed process if you need. I find it better for longer sections of roads and easier to do the UV process on the one section rather then an entire road. Once you get it to where you like you can apply the modifiers and then adjust invididual section if you need to.   

  2. I just figured a shorter spline would be less calculations, so in theory should be quicker.  I done both 5 and 10 for the distances between points. My map is also full of rolling hills and I am avoiding doing to much cutting of the hills when it comes to gravel style roads. 

    I just have 3 saved scripts of the built in terrain height scripts setup and run them in succession to build up the Roadway and give it a ditch effect running along each side, then go back and run the smoothing brush along the edge. My idea was to use the spline to basically "knock" off the edge. That just me being picky tho. lol  was kind of hoping to be able to duplicate your "smoothness" setting in the Terrain Height setup to be able to run it on the edge outside of running the entire script. but I do understand the downfalls behind it. 

    Appreciate the response!


  3. 1st Thanks for the work on the Spline Tools! especially the CSV tools. Sadly the Terrain Height script takes around 30 min to complete it's pass when I try to run it on the length of spline that I want to use to set up my basic roadway grid on an 8Km map. I have tried giving it just the basic set height and still takes around 30min. I am sure it's probably something with my layout or placement of the spline on the terrain wireframe, but I can't seem to figure out why it's taking as long as it does. 

    Anyway I have found a work around for my situation, That's not really what I am here for, just passing along that information. What I really was wondering is if there is a way to have a dedicated script to "smooth" along a spline. Similar to how you can set the smoothness in your current Terrain Height Script if that makes sense. Sadly I am just smart enough to be dangerous when it comes to scripting but not smart enough to actually right a script.