2 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Arrays are used quite extensively in FS22. Arrays are used for a variety of elements in FS22, such as effects and crawler tracks. Arrays are a collection of paths stored as a relatively small DDS file (example below). Arrays can be created in Blender using Keyframes and then exported with the GIANTS Exporter. sharedArray.dds KEYFRAMES If you do not already know about Keyframes, I recommend watching the video below. It is a bit more detailed than you will need, so just watch it and come back to it for the details you need. You will not be animating objects, just points. Keyframes - Blender 2.80 Fundamentals https://youtu.be/SZJswvw9wE…
Last reply by Dogface, -
- 0 replies
First off huge thanks to NLD for his material selector, i3d exporter and answering all my questions, while trying to figure this out. Also thanks to Maverick for helping me number the arrays. FS19 Building Shader Video
Last reply by bdbssb,