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I have now updated the following scripts for FS25 (zip file containing all scripts listed available at the bottom of this post)

To avoid confusion all future Updates to any of the scripts will require the complete FS 25 Script Versions.zip to be downloaded


Fence Power Placement   --Updated 07/01/2025 Stay Upright Option removed fence/poles now automatically placed upright --13/12/2024 -  Script adjustments

Paint Foliage by Spline Panel

Spline CSV Creator Panel

Spline Height Panel

Spline Paint Panel  --- Updated 20/01/2025 Random value problem fixed and UI Changes -- see note in Spline Paint Panel below

Spline Placement Panel Combined --Updated 02/01/2025 Interim fix to first object placement problem --15/12/2024 Rotation/Placement problem fixed (hopefully)

Fence Power Placement

Fence Power Placement

Script just updated refer to tutorial for operation



Spline CSV Creator Panel

Script operation is still the same output has changed slightly it now creates an .obj file in the CSVdata folder for direct import into Blender without the need for any CSV conversion.

Paint Foliage by Spline Panel

Operation of the script is still the same but the Panel Layout has changed.

Note: Random Foliage Paint will paint all states of a selected foliage.

            Variable Foliage state   When selected along with Random Foliage Paint  option allows only the states   

            entered in Set Foliage State and Set Second Foliage State to be painted.

            Random Foliage Distance seed can be adjusted by changing the Set Distance Between Foliage value

Spline Height Panel

Script just updated refer to tutorial for operation

Spline Paint Panel

Script just updated refer to tutorial for operation

For further information on the above  scripts refer to the tutorial


 Note:     Random Width (Max) this is the max distance the texture will be painted either side of the spline (0 to Random Width (Max))
                Random Distance (Max) this value is used by the RND function for the random distance the texture will be painted along the spline (0 to Random Distance (Max))
                In both cases texture will be painted randomly at a distance between 0 and Random value entered at each point along the spline
                Random distance bewteen textures can also be adjusted using the Set Texture Distance Value

Spline Placement Panel Combined

Script update with  some Panel Layout changes and addition

Unfortunately the Use Distance Table values still have to be entered in the User Attributes panel. (now in seperate tab in the Attributes Panel)

I hope to combine them into the main panel at a later date.


Fixed Distance  -- is the distance away from the spline (both + and -) you want the placement to start

                                (Look at it like a duplicate spline at the Fixed Distance value)


Select Random Spline Order – now uses the number of objects in the objectsTo Place TG as a random seed

                                                         If only one item in the objectsToPlace TG then I suggest adding a empty

                                                         TG to the objectsToPlace TG before selecting

Select Random Placement  -- is the max distance around the spline (inc any Fixed Distance values)

Select Random Distance      -- uses the Object Distance as seed to generate the random distance

If Use Distance Table Selected then Select Random Spline Order and Select Random Distance is disabled.

See the tutorial for further information.




There seems to be some confusion on where these scripts should be placed they should be placed here

C:/Users/*****/AppData/Local\GIANTS Editor 64bit 10.0.3/scripts  --     replace ***** with your computers user name

not in the C:/Program Files/GIANTS Sosftware/GIANTS_Editor_10.0.3 folder as the scripts in this folder will be overwritten/updated when a new version is available.

To avoid confusion all future Updates to any of the scripts will require the complete FS 25 Script Versions.zip to be downloaded and unzipped replacing any existing scripts in the GE scripts folder.






FS25 Script Versions.zip

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  • Thanks 7

Wrinkley - thank you!  These scripts are a must - have for map makers.  I have one request though, in the Fence Power Pole Placement script it runs the object placement and the wire placement at once.  Could there be a separate "generate" button for wires?  


Reason I ask - I like to make square 90deg corners on many of my fences.  In previous versions of the script I could place the poles, adjust the corners so they are square, then place the wires.  Even if my spline is square the poles will travel the set distance around and the "wires" will connect, rounding the corner.  Now I have to run a new spline if I want a sharp square corner.  Is there a better way?


are there plans to do the create field & farmland scripts?

Not at the moment as I am still trying to workout how the new system works, apparently there are further updates from Giants in the pieline regarding this script

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, WrinkleysRule said:

@antler22 I will look into this 90 deg problem and see what can be done,

One question springs to mind, how are you creating a square spline ??

It's not truly a perfect square, but if you set 5+ points in a very small distance on each side of the corner you can make the spline path look close enough.  In the past this would get me close, then I'd move the corner post manually to the exact corner, then run the wire script.  



Posted (edited)


I have manged to sort of solve your 90 degree problem by creating a (almost 90 degree) corner with the spline the following image explains the method,

Note: The distance along the spline to the corner must be a multiple of your Set Post Distance, easy to see as the individual spline cv's now show the distance from the start of the spline.


Edited by WrinkleysRule
Clarification of Spline Distance

@Mister Laptop

Attached is a simple script that will align trees to the terrain, place in

C:\Users\Your Computer Name\AppData\Local\GIANTS Editor 64bit 10.0.3\scripts

To use Select the Transform Group containing your trees and execute the script

LIMITATIONS The individual tree TG group must be formed as below  i.e.

                                    TG containing your Trees

                                Also the script will only place the trees TG at the terrain height
                                if the trees LOD is set at a different height to its TG group the
                                script may not work as intended.
                                Obviously the trees point of origin must be at the base of the tree

A print out of the number of trees parsed and the number changed will appear in the Console Log

Align trees to terrain.lua

  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, WrinkleysRule said:


I have manged to sort of solve your 90 degree problem by creating a (almost 90 degree) corner with the spline the following image explains the method


I just tried this, unsuccessfully.  I made sure all blue spline points were extremely close to the corner, however, the post placement still skips around the corner.  




You have to adjust the points individually to get the sharpest corner the blue points do not have to be close to the corner they can be at different distances, the important one is the red cv point play around with the adjustments.

As you see by my example it is possible to get a 90 degree corner

here is an enlargment of the final positions




Understood.  I just did another and got a nice 90deg corner on the spline (pictured).  The objects still jump around the corner though.

Maybe it's worth noting - my post distance is 3m, but the location of my corner is not 3m exactly away from the previous post.  I realize here making a true 90deg fence corner will result in unevenly scaled wires, and I am ok with that.  


17 hours ago, WrinkleysRule said:

@Herr Laptop

Anbei ein einfaches Skript, das Bäume an das Gelände anpasst, platziert in

C:\Benutzer\Ihr Computername\AppData\Local\GIANTS Editor 64bit 10.0.3\scripts

Wählen Sie zur Verwendung die Transform-Gruppe aus, die Ihre Bäume enthält, und führen Sie das Skript aus

EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN Die einzelnen Baum-TG-Gruppen müssen wie folgt gebildet werden, d. h.

                                    TG mit Ihren Bäumen

                                Außerdem platziert das Skript die TG der Bäume nur auf der Geländehöhe.
                                Wenn die LOD der Bäume auf eine andere Höhe als ihre TG-Gruppe eingestellt ist,
                                funktioniert das Skript möglicherweise nicht wie vorgesehen.
                                Natürlich muss der Ursprungspunkt der Bäume an der Basis des Baums liegen.

Ein Ausdruck der Anzahl der analysierten Bäume und der Anzahl der geänderten Bäume wird im Konsolenprotokoll angezeigt.

Bäume am Terrain ausrichten.lua 2,14 kB · 2 Downloads

Besten Dank dafür  Super 

Posted (edited)


If your fence placement is so tight that you cannot move either the start or corner slightly (0.7m total in your case) for your 3m fence to fit (spline distance from start is now displayed at each CV) then you have two options,

carry on using multiple splines or create your own custom fence in Blender and export/import as i3d to Giants Editor.

Edited by WrinkleysRule
Clarification of distance
41 minutes ago, WrinkleysRule said:

@Herr Laptop

Danke schön.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Skript so einfach wie möglich ist und daher Fehler auftreten können, wenn die TG-Gruppen nicht in der vom Skript geforderten Weise gebildet werden.

Funktioniert Wunderbar für Area Fill 


Hiya, not sure if this related to any of the other rotation issues but i'm having issues getting my cube object to face in the direction that the spline is moving but instead turns at a slight angle, can this be adjusted in the setting's at all?spline.png.9e5c68ef8d09812209b973e8c4feca3e.png


Your object must be aligned along the 'Z' axis, rotate the object ine GE then freeze transform the rotation (and scale if changed)

From the tutorial  ---https://farmerboysmodding.com/index.php?/topic/2414-terrain-height-paint-terrain-and-spline-placement-scripts-tutorials/       --- this uses the old method of user attributes but the settings remain the same

update Spline Panel Details here --https://farmerboysmodding.com/index.php?/topic/2469-spline-placement-combined-panel/

For best results, open any objects  you intend to place in GE and adjust axis and  origin accordingly, when done , freeze transform all scale/rotation settings  (DO NOT freeze transform translations unless point of origin is relocated) on all the relevant objects.

example; if you have a hedge that is 4m long and 1m wide ensure the longest section (4m)is  aligned to the 'Z' axis otherwise  rotate it in GE until is aligned along the 'Z' axis and freeze transform rotation also ensure that the point of origin (where the gizmo shows when object is selected) is at the correct point

If you want to randomly rotate the objects then select Random 'Y' Rotation


all my splines and objects have zero rotation, iv loaded fs22 up and everything works as you would expect, all iv  done is create the marker by adjusting the scale and freezing the scale to 1,  the blue arrows  on the gismo all face the same way as iv not rotated any of those, cant seem to stop the stepping effect when running the spline script,  the cube doesn't seem to rotate to followed the line of the spline.



What script are you using as it doesn't appear to be the latest version  (splinePlacementPanelCombined_25) of my scripts from your Transform Group Layout

Check your TG groups against the one shown in the image of my previous post

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